Chapter 23: survivals

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It is already the end of April into this year, which is around one year after we started taking part in the WIN program.

To be honest, I was getting more and more restless with everything. With myself, for not leading the team well so that Mr Yang can debut us as soon as possible; with the team, for not putting in their best effort to train for evaluations; with Mr Yang for not giving us any hope of our debut; with the entire situation for being this unfair and hopeless.

I got annoyed more easily and lost my temper at the members more frequently, but everyone was restless. So the members kinda got into a serious argument with me.

"Hanbin hyung don't you think you are being a little rude to Yunheong hyung?" Donghyuk asked.

"Rude? Why don't you ask him to put in more effort? How are we ever going to debut if we don't improve?"

"Hanbin-ah don't be so harsh. We are a team, let's talk things out nicely." Jinhwan said.

"Yeah, Hanbin you're being an asshole now, it's too overboard." Bobby commented.

Without a reply, I stormed out of the practice room and went towards the rooftop to take time to chill out.

I stood at the edge of the building and looked down at the streets where people walking around seemed so tiny and insignificant. Were my problems actually insignificant if I took a step back too?

"Ahhhhhh I hate the world now!!" I screamed out loud into the air.

"Hanbin-ah, catch!" Chohee tossed me a bottle of iced water.

We sat down next to each other on the ground and admired the evening sun set scene. I gulped the ice water down my throat, trying to cool myself down as quickly as possible. It was easy though, because Chohee is here with me. She doesn't need to do anything, but her presence always calms me down easily.

"Hanbin, are you putting too much pressure on yourself?" she asked softly.

"Why do you say that? Is this about my outbreak just now?"

"I just feel that you have been very hard on yourself this year. I know you want to do well so that you guys can debut soon but you are stressing yourself out too much."

"Of course I have to put pressure on myself. I'm the leader. I need to make sure we are all moving towards our dream."

"Yes true, but don't compromise your friendship with the members because that's the most important thing in your life. You guys will be together forever."

"We are fine now. Nothing has changed." I got slightly annoyed at her.

"How is this fine? You guys just had an argument, probably the biggest dispute in this whole 4 years you guys spent together."

"It is something I have to do. I have to be firm. If you don't know the amount of desperation we have towards debuting then don't talk bullshit here." I shot at her.

I didn't know why I got angry with Chohee, perhaps because everything she said made sense and I was too embarrassed to admit that all her words were the truth.

I knew I got on her nerves, but she didn't retort like she usually would. With a sigh, she continued. "Hanbin oppa, calm down, let's settle this peacefully alright?"

"Okay fine I admit I was too harsh on them just now. I'll go back and apologize okay?"

"It's not only about apologizing, you have to understand that your team has a stronger bond than you can imagine. You can definitely resolve all problems in the end."

"Yeah, thanks a lot Chohee. Let's buy some food as peace offerings on our way back?" I offered and Chohee agreed happily.

We bought donuts and coffee, hoping that the members can forget all the unhappy arguments previously.

Chohee was just like my beacon out at see, guiding me towards the right direction when I lose my way. What will I do without her? I hope that our relationship would remain the same until we grow old. Of course I would want to be something more with her, but I would never want to risk our comfortable friendship for that.

While eating we were talking about our future projects, and I just remembered that I had a huge piece of news that we have not told Chohee and the members yet.

"Hey you know something?" I asked.

"Duh, I know that cats moo." Chohee said sacarstically before continuing, "Yeah, what's up?"

"Bobby hyung and I will be taking part in Show Me The Money season 3!"

"OMG" All the 4 boys and Chohee said simultaneously.

"Yep, Mr Yang gave his approval already!" Bobby said excitedly.

"Go prove your worth to those rappers!" Chohee cheered.

"Yeah, remember when the judges of WIN said that Bobby hyung would do well if he joined SMTM?" Donghyuk added.

"We have faith in you!! All the best!" Everyone sent their well wishes to the duo.


Chohee POV
Today was the audition day for SMTM and the two boys were very anxious for the entire night yesterday. After we had dinner together yesterday, they were extremely jittery and kept practicing their rap over and over again.

To support them, I secretly made my way to the audition venue without their knowing. The boys had vocal practice today and were unable to come down with me to surprise double B.

"Surprise!" I jumped behind them as soon as I spotted them queuing up for registration. I must be so lucky to spot them in the hundreds of people.

"Oh Chohee you're here!" Bobby hugged me when I went nearer to them.

"Of course I have to come here to give y'all morale support since the boys aren't free today!" I smiled but someone poked me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, miss who are you?" a stranger approached me.

"Oh, she's our friend. Is there any problems?" BI answered on my behalf.

"We are still in the process of filming, I would like to ask this lady to leave for the meanwhile. Sorry for the inconvenience caused." The kind middle-aged cameraman asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll join them again when you're finished with shooting.

I shot them a thumbs-up before walking away with the cameraman.

"How are you related to the boys? You know it's not good for them to be caught in any scandals now, they are future idols." He kindly advised.

"Oh, please do not misunderstand. Team B and I have been good friends since last year. We are just really good buddies."

"Hey wait I think I have seen you on TV before. You're... Park Chohee!"

"Yes hello, that's me." I answered awkwardly but politely.

"If you often hang out with the boys I think we better become friends with each other."

"What do you mean, ahjusshi?"

"You will understand in time to come, but I'm certain you will need my help next time. Feel free to approach me if the others are giving you a hard time. My entire family is a fan of yours!"

With that, he walked away to continue filming the boys at the audition venue. When it was finally time for the boys to enter the stadium to have their assessment, BI looked over at my direction with a nervous expression.

He always had this habit of touching his heart area when he was nervous and he had experienced forgetting his rap lyrics out of anxiety before. I really hope the best for him; that he will perform to his best with a calm mind.

'Fighting!' I mouthed to him and smiled.

He smiled back at me, before entering the stadium. This was definitely not going to be an easy period for everyone. The boys had just gone through WIN last year and now Bobby and BI entered another survival program.

Little did I know. Little did the boys know. This was just the start of survivals.

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