Chapter 10: have I convinced myself?

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Chohee POV
YG artists, trainees, managers, producers and all staff gathered at the YG building early in the morning. It was only 7am, but the building was already packed with people. Buses have arrived to send us to the beach side resort.

Despite having 5 star accommodation there, we were still required to stay in tents. Well, that's the whole purpose of a camping trip isn't it?

It was difficult to spot where the boys were due to the crowd. My eyes caught a bright red hair, which belonged to the fashionista GD. He was with Big Bang, talking to some other people...

Oh it's the boys! The boys were extremely popular with the seniors although they didn't win WIN. The seniors were impressed by their abilities and over time they grew closer.

It suddenly dawn on me that I have little friends in YG. Except for the boys and Tablo sunbaenim, I seemed like a nobody here. People knew me as the pretty and talented songwriter, but none were true friends to me other than the boys and Tablo.

Yes, I have to set a goal for this camping trip, I will make new friends and widen my social circle in YG! I can't stick to the boys every day, can I?

Just then my phone vibrated.

Bobby: You look very lonely there, come join us!! We can introduce you to Big Bang sunbaenim!

Chohee: Nah it's okay, I shouldn't disturb you guys. I'll talk to y'all later on the bus!

I look up at him, and nodded to signal him to ignore me and carry on with the conversation they were having. It felt nice though, that someone actually remembers me and cares about me.

Soon a representative called out for everyone to register at the counters and make their way to the busses. After registration and boarding the bus, I chose a double seat near the back of the bus and sat at the window seat. I placed my head against the window and started out into the scenery outside.

Not long after, sleep slowly took over me and my eyes felt as if there were tall buildings sitting on them.


"Urgh I want to sleep go away," I mumbled sleepily.

"Let her sleep, she must have been tired from writing songs yesterday," BI instructed.

I opened my eyes to find Donghyuk beside me, while the rest of the boys took up the 5 seats on the last row of the bus. I lazily shifted from my position and placed my head on Donghyuk's shoulder. Soon, I entered my dreamland again.

"Hyung, my shoulders hurt from tumbling during practice yesterday, and Chohee is pressing on my injury! Can I just push her off towards the window?" Donghyuk complained.

"NO!" All of us screamed back to him.

"C'mere let's exchange places then," Bobby volunteered.

After gently switching places and not waking Chohee up, everyone settled down and took a nap on the bus. The journey would be 4 hours long, and everyone was tired.

Bobby took great care of Chohee, brushing strands of hair that kept getting into her face away, holding her tightly when the bus ride was bumpy and also, I caught him gently pressing his lips onto Chohee's hair. He did it thinking nobody would see him. Not knowing that I had my eyes on them the entire time. I was seated directly behind them, giving me the VIP view to the romance skit in front of me.

"Bobby looks like he really is in love with Chohee right?" Yunhyeong asked the boys sitting at the back row. .

"Mmhmm, look at that lover boy's face," Junhoe commented.

"But it doesn't seem like Chohee likes him back," said Jinhwan.

"Yah Hanbin why you so silent?" Yunhyeong nudged me.

"Hyung, don't tell me you like Chohee too!" Donghyuk exclaimed.

"Ani, just friends, we are nothing more than good friends," I replied rather bitterly. I can't like her. We are just friends.

"Are you trying to convince us, or convince yourself?" Jinhwan asked. Being the oldest, he sure knows us better then we think.

"It's the truth." I said more firmly this time, leaving them to accept my words. I managed to convince them I guess, but have I convinced myself?

The bus finally reached out destination at the beach resort. There wasn't a planned program for us. So for the next 4 days, we could do any activity we wanted that was available at the resort. Beach volleyball, swimming, kite flying, movies, KTV, campfire, and many many more. If we can think of it, we can do it!

We all alighted and started building our tents so that we can leave our belongings inside while we leave to take part in games and activities.

We were grouped into tents of 3, with Donghyuk, Yunhyeong and Jinhwan in a tent, while Bobby, Junhoe and I were in another tent. Oh great, I'm stuck with the two awkward buddies.

Chohee was paired with the other girls. She doesn't seem to have much friends so I really hope this would be a good chance for her to find some girl counterparts.

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