Chapter 37: birthday

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After all our fan meetings around Asia, it was finally the D Day- the finals!

Coincidentally, it was my birthday today and I wasn't able to properly celebrate with all the preparations for the various stages and helping the other members out.

The members had surprised me with a secret video and birthday cake, Bobby also announced to everyone that it was my birthday on stage when he wished me happy birthday before we sang 'Long Time No See'.

I was too busy to check my phone the entire day but I was sure Chohee had sent me a text for my birthday. I would read it later when I have time.

After the entire event ended, everyone was happy with the performance. The results would not be out until a few days later as they had to tabulate the viewers' votes. For now, we were free and able to relax after working hard for so many months.

"BI hyung, you have a package!" Junhoe called out from the living room.

It was a gift wrapped with a shiny wrapping paper that was delivered by the postman. The card on the outside of the box read: For the one and only Hanbin.

It was from Chohee!

I ran to get my phone and it was then I had the time to read her text message.

Chohee: I knew you would be busy today, but remember to check your mailbox when you get home! Hope you like your gift ;)

After unwrapping the box, there was a scrapbook inside. It contained all the photos that we had taken since the first time we met, including the group photo of our songwriting course where I first met Chohee. It brought back many fond memories.

As I walked down memory lane with the photos in the scrapbook, I was touched by all the sweet messages that accompanied the photos. On the last page was a music chord with lyrics written at the bottom.

I went to the piano in the dorm and played the song out. It was something that Chohee had written for me. While playing the song, I read the lyrics she had written which are mostly about how our relationship was throughout the years we had known each other.

This was the best and most sincere gift ever.

I immediately called her after fully opening her present.

"Happy birthday Hanbin-ah!" she greeted as soon as the line connected.

"Thank you for the presents Chohee! They were awesome and I love the song you wrote!"

"Don't mention it, I expect more when my birthday comes!"

"Hey is that Chohee noona!" Donghyuk overheard me talking to Chohee and he snatched the phone away.

"Noona, how have you been? You hardly talk to us ever since you got together with BI hyung!"

"Is that Chohee? Pass me the phone!" Bobby shouted.

"No! I haven't said anything to her yet!" The two of them started arguing over who should get the phone. They rustle attracted the other members to come forward to compete for my phone, and my Chohee's attention.

The final members for our team had been confirmed, with Jinheong and Hongseok leaving the team. We wished them all the best for their future endeavors, perhaps they would be as successful as Hyunseung sunbaenim from BEAST, who got dropped out of Big Bang.

Months passed and we have been working hard to prepare for our debut album. I've completed many new songs with Chohee as the muse behind my songs.

'My Type' was song that I had been working on when I ran away from the company to Mangwon. That day when Chohee overheard me writing the song and I had promised to let her listen to it when I had completed it.

'Airplane' is exactly what I felt when I thought she had left. We had been planning the storyline and it was very apt to what I was feeling. The storyline was a love triangle between the girl, Bobby and I. It was the exact situation in the past!

'Welcome Back' is the name of our album, as well as the name of the first track in the album. It is the feelings I have when I finally get to see her again and can happily welcome her back to Seoul and spend more time with her.

'Today' is a cute song, talking about how I suddenly thought of Chohee as a girl instead of a friend. That moment when I noticed how pretty she was and how much I wanted to call her mine.

The preparation work is all done and we are just waiting for our debut concert.

Of course, I am also waiting for the day Chohee is back so that we can celebrate our debut together.

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