Chapter 33: not yet

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"What are you doing Hanbin? Let go of me." Her voice was shaking from the shock.

Butterflies seemed to be flying violently in my stomach as well.

I slowly turned her around.

"I just don't want you to misunderstand anything before you leave." I said softly, holding her both side of her arms.

She just nodded at me without saying anything.

"I don't have a girlfriend yet, don't get the wrong idea."

"Yet?" Her eyes were clouded with confusion.

"Because I have not asked her out yet. Chohee, will you-"


"Sorry Hanbin, hold on for a moment." Chohee picked up her phone call.

That damned phone call. It wasn't easy for me to garner the courage to confess to her.

I had told myself, if Chohee were able to find me today even after I ran away, it would mean that fate is helping us to get together.

The moment I saw her, all the problems in the world seemed so insignificant. Who cares about the M&M performances? Who cares about forgetting lyrics during SMTM?

"Yunhyeong oppa?" She looked at me as if asking for permission to let the members know about my whereabouts.

"Yeah, I found BI. He's fine, we will go back soon so don't worry!" She ended the call with Yunheong.

"The members are all very worried for you. Do you want to go back?" She asked.

"Aright, let's call the company to send a driver here. I don't have enough money to pay for the taxi again."

"Are you feeling better now Hanbin-ah?"

"Yeah, I managed to write a new song while I was here."

"Wow! Can I hear it? I'm always very amazed by your songwriting skills."

"Nope, I will let you listen to it once I finished perfecting it."

"Hey I think the M&M staff are here. You go film first, but don't forget to send me home!!" She said before walking away.

On our way back, we bought ice cream on the way to appease the members. They must have been very worried about me. We went back home early that day as all the members deserved to have a good night's sleep after working hard for many weeks.

My phone vibrated after I lay down on the bed. I squinted my eye at the brightness of my phone screen.

Chohee: Escaping reality isn't the way to resolve things. Let's face them together. Fighting!

I smile at her words. She really was an angel the heavens sent to me.

BI: Okay, thanks a lot Chohee!

BI: By the way, how's your stalker problem going on?

Chohee: Don't worry about me; it's not that urgent. Rest well tonight, we can talk about that bastard stalker tomorrow!

I went out of my room to get a cup of water, as I was feeling thirsty. However, I was surprised to see that there was still some lights turned on in the living room.

Hongseok was alone, sitting on the floor and writing on the table. I quietly walked behind him, wanting to see what he was secretly writing.

'You're really pretty when you wear a dress. You should wear them more often, Chohee-ah.'

Wait up, does that mean that the creepy stalker is him?!

"Hongseok hyung, what are you doing?"

"Oh Hanbin-ah, nothing. I wasn't doing anything important." He quickly hid the paper under the table.

"I saw everything hyung. Why are you doing such horrible things to Chohee!" I shouted louder this time.

The members must have been disturbed by my voice and they gradually came out to see what was going on.

"I... I... It's all because of you!" He shouted back.

"You are always picking on me so I thought I would scare your girl as revenge." He continued.

"Revenge? Are you so childish? Me scolded you has nothing to do with Chohee!"

"But scaring her would hurt you more so maybe you would be too distracted to pick on me again."

"Oh my god, you are unbelievable!" Bobby stated out loud.

"What guys, please tell us what's happening." Jinhwan asked, confused.

"Hyung you watch out, we are going to report this incident to Mr Yang." I said in a huff before returning back to my room.

I will inform Chohee of this information early in the morning tomorrow. It will finally be an end to Chohee's worries.

The sun rose and it was time for the revelation. Bobby and I approached Chohee's apartment as soon as we were ready to go to the company.

"Hey Kimbab and Hanbinie!" She opened the door and allowed us to enter as I continued with her morning preparations.

"We found out who's your creepy stalker." Bobby announced.

"What!" She exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, I saw him writing you notes yesterday night." I said.

"Wait, so you mean he's one of the boys?" She asked.

"It's Yang Hongseok."

"What in the world man... Its him all these while?"

"I feel that we should report this to Mr Yang. We cannot have this person going off scot-free." Bobby added.

After we reported the incident, Mr Yang was beyond furious. Mr Yang had been very kind to Chohee ever since she joined YG, it is true to say that Mr Yang was biased towards Chohee.

He gave Hongseok a very severe scolding session for harassing her and Hongseok has apologized for his actions.

Thankfully, we managed to regain peace and tranquility in Chohee's life.

Airplane [iKON fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora