Chapter 4: outbreak

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Chohee POV
Days passed and I have been hanging out with the boys a lot. I visit them everyday, seeing them practice, buying food for them, learning from BI and Bobby how to write songs. This internship was really timely as they were preparing for their final match, which included a self-composed song.

One afternoon, I bought bubble tea for everyone but as I walked closer to the practice room, I could hear BI's angry scolding. I stood outside the door looking at them, knowing this wasn't a good time for me to enter.

"Hyung what are you doing? Move your arms wider!" He shouted at Yunhyeong.

"And follow the beat everyone. We are not in sync." The music started again, and BI was clapping to the beat and eyeing the team's every movement with his hawk eye.

Suddenly, BI slammed the music player shut. "Let's take a break. Everyone is dancing horribly now!" With that, he left the room pissed. I was shocked. I took a step back as he glared at me when he opened the door. Rolling his eye, he slammed the door shut and walked away.

I slowly entered the practice room, only to find everyone sitting on the ground, severely exhausted from the tireless practice. I handed them a cup of bubble tea each.

"Hey it's okay, take a break and enjoy lovely bubble tea~" I tried to cheer them up. But was met with no response from them.

"I saw everything outside. BI's just stressed that's why he flared up. You guys know him well, he didn't mean to be rude." I continued.

Jinhwan looked up to me and said, "We know. We just need a break, go talk to him. He must be regretting his outbreak just now."

I nodded and grabbed two cups of bubble tea. I gave them a fighting cheer before closing the door behind me and went on a journey to look for BI. I searched high and low for him urgh, he would be a pro at hide and seek.

Finally, I found him after sweating out so much. He sat along at the rooftop, looking afar at the orange tainted sky.

The sunset was beautiful from the view here, if only the atmosphere wasn't so tensed...

"BI-ah" I placed the bubble tea in front of him.

"BI oppa~"

"Hanbin hanbin hanbin!" I sang but he was really bent on ignoring me. Slowly, I grew annoyed.

"Yah Kim Hanbin! Don't be pissed at me, I didn't do anything ok. I just came to deliver bubble tea to you and then you came out of the room and glared at me angrily. What did I even do seriously for you to ignore me?!" I was slightly breathless by the end of my rant.

"YAH IM LEAVING!" I was furious at him that I punched his arm and stood up to return to the others. What an asshole he is. Why did I even try to defend him just now?

At that moment, a soft touch was gripping my wrist. "I was just playing with you. Come stay with me and watch the sunset."

I sat down beside him and admired the orange sky and the busy city below us. Everything looked so small like miniature toys from up here.

"What did you call me just now?" He asked.

"BI? BI oppa?"

"No no, my real name"


"It sounds nice..." He smiled. I didn't know his smile was so mesmerizing. "...coming from you" he continued.

My heart skipped a beat. What was he trying to say? Or is he really do egoistic about his name? I decided to put it behind me, it was impossible that he had other meaning to that.

We stood in comfortable silence until he spoke again. "What do you think of Bobby hyung?"

"Why do you keep asking me weird questions today? Bobby oppa is very nice and friendly. We are also closer since we met each other earlier than the rest of the group."

"So you had a good first impression of him?"

"Mhmm, but not so much for you though. I found you a little rude and full of yourself."


"Yeah, when you were explaining to me how to rap. I was thinking of slapping you."

"Wow, didn't know you were so violent."

"Wow, didn't know you were such an idiot." I mimicked his tone, faking an annoyed expression.

And the two of us bursted out laughing in seconds.

"Glad that we managed to clear our misunderstandings." BI said.


I have never seen Chohee since that day at the rooftop as we went on a break for her songwriting projet since we had to focus on the final match for WIN.

It's finally D-Day. The boys miss Chohee's company a lot, maybe I should remind her to come down to support us tomorrow.

BI: you will be there tomorrow right?

I felt my phone reply almost immediately after I sent out the text.

Chohee: of course, I even prepared surprises for you! ;)

Looking back, I felt bad as we didn't give her much help for her upcoming evaluation which was the entire purpose of her joining us. I made a mental note to spend more time helping her once this match is over.

We ended practice earlier today so that we could get sufficient rest for tomorrow's match. We were confident of winning as we have almost perfected our dance and songs.

I wanted to cry while writing the self-composed song but always held it back. I didn't want to be strongly affected by it when I was performing. There's no room for mistakes at all. We will perform our best tomorrow and leave the stage without any regrets.

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