Chapter 35: of course

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I would never forget the expression on Chohee's face. Hurt was the only thing visible as her face was drained of all colour.

After she ran away from the room, I called out her name and went up to follow her but was held back by Lee Hi. Using her authority as a senior and threatening to lodge a complaint, she forbade any of us to run after Chohee.

I was not able to get hold of Chohee for the entire day. I couldn't find her in the company, nor did she pick up her phone.

BI: Chohee please call me back...

BI: At least let me know you're safe

BI: Park Chohee, I'm going to stay outside your house for the entire night if you are not going to reply to my messages.

There was still no reply.

"Hanbin-ah, stop spamming her, she's not going to reply you." Bobby entered the room.

"Why? Did she text you?" I asked eagerly.

"Yep, she says that she needs a break from everyone." Bobby explained.

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. But I urge you to have a talk with her as soon as possible, before everything is too late." Bobby tapped my shoulder and returned to bed.

Was there a hidden meaning behind his words?

The next day I waited for Chohee at the lobby of the building but she had unfortunately left before me. I wasn't able to get hold of her at the company as well.

That night the boys practiced until 3am in the wee hours before returning home to sleep. However, I was feeling very fidgety; it felt like something was wrong. Bobby looked weird the entire day as well; it was his expression when he was lying.

At around 5am, I was woken up by a strong force. I opened my eyes to see Bobby pushing me violently to wake me up.

"Chohee's flight is leaving for Japan at 7am. She should be at the airport by now."

"Japan? What??" I asked confused.

"She is going to leave for months or even years. Stop asking so much questions and go see her now!"

Those words shocked me awake. Grabbing my clothes and phone, I dashed out of the house and took the taxi to the airport.

I ran towards the departure hall as fast as my feet could carry. I kept turning around to look for her but to no avail. Had she already left? It was 7am and I knew she was gone. I was too late.

I dropped to the ground and hugged my head between my knees. If only I was more determined to find her yesterday. She was able to find me when I escaped from everyone all the time. Why wasn't I able to do the same for her? If I managed to get hold of her, I would never let her go again.

"Hanbin? Is that you?" Hearing that familiar voice, I lifted my head up.

She looked as pretty as usual, just that her face was full of fatigue. It was obvious that she did not sleep well the previous night.

"Chohee, you're not gone yet!" I instantly shot up and grabbed her for a tight hug. I don't ever want to lose her again.

"My flight was delayed till 2 hours later due to the bad weather."

"Thank god!! Shall we have a talk, Chohee?"

"Okay..." She agreed hesitantly. We sat down at a secluded area in the airport where there weren't many people.

"Chohee, I really have nothing to do with Lee Hi! That woman made up everything, as you can see she was the one who jumped onto me for the peck. Please don't misunderstand!" I explained urgently.

"I know Hanbin-ah, you wouldn't fall for a person like her." She let out a small smile.

"Chohee, I think I shouldn't be keeping anymore things from you. Just let me continue and don't interrupt me, alright?" I asked hesitantly. I was going to confess everything to her before I regret missing the opportunity again.

"Okay, I'll be listening well." She smiled at me.

"Chohee, the person I like... is you."

"Ever since we first met, I had a good feeling towards you but I always thought it was friendship. Only until when Bobby hyung confessed to you, I felt extremely nervous that you two would become a couple."

"I've always seen you as a good friend but unconsciously, I don't even know when, I started seeing you more than a friend..."

"And then when you said you didn't want to be in a relationship, I thought I would just remain as a friend beside you forever."

"But now I do not want to be your friend anymore. I tried confessing to you many times before but they all failed. I want to be brave this time and let my feelings be known. Chohee, will you be with me?"

Chohee's eyes became watery as she listened to every word I said.

"Hanbin... Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't sure of how you would react to this. I didn't want to risk our friendship."

"The two of us are probably the silliest pair..." she smiled as her eyes became wet with tears of joy.

"You haven't answered me yet. Will you be my girlfriend Park Chohee?"

"Of course I would love to, Kim Hanbin!" She came forward and placed her arms around my neck. My hands instinctively went around her waist and we enjoyed this sweet moment where nothing else mattered except for the two of us.

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