Chapter 2: that's our studio!

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"Hey everybody I've got gossip for you!! Bobby was-!" I screamed as I entered the dorm but was unexpectedly stopped by Yunhyeong. He placed his hand on my mouth to hush me, signalling with his body that someone else was in the dorm.

Walking towards the living room, Mr Yang was there sitting down and chatting with the members. "Annyeonghaseyo sajjangnim," both Bobby and I greeted.

Ahhh, I should have kept my mouth shut.....

"Oh you two are back, I've shared with your members about a new collaboration project, and you can learn more details from them. See you next time at the company." With that, Mr Yang left.

Confused, Bobby and I stared blankly at the members, waiting for someone to offer an explanation. Turns out, the company is pairing inexperienced songwriters with trainee groups (which included the other younger trainees, Team A and us). The pairings will be announced next week, and the songwriter was required to work with the host group for 1 month. After the month, the songwriters will be having their evaluation with Mr Yang which will consist of showcasing their written songs.

"Why are they doing this to us when we are already so busy with WIN? Are we obliged to help the newcomer??" Jinhwan muttered.

"Hyung don't be like this. We also received much help from our sunbaes when we were new." I answered Jinhwan.

"I hope he will be a nice person so that we can make new friends. You know sometimes it's really boring in YG without many friends." Donghyuk answered.

"Will it be her?" Bobby mumbled softly to himself, but didn't managed to prevent me from overhearing.

"Hey guys let me tell you how Bobby tried to flirt with a pretty songwriter just now!" And this was how I started telling the members about how Bobby failed to make the girl swoon over him.

Everyone had a good laugh imagining how Bobby looked like when he was trying to impress the girl. Bobby was going to get teased for the next few months until the boys got tired of this topic.

"It will be really fated for y'all if she is the one paired with us!"Junhoe teased Bobby and he instantly blushed a deep shade of red.

"Hey why don't you text her to ask if she's part of this project? You have her number right?" I nudged Bobby, who was already dreamily thinking about Chohee.

Few minutes later, Bobby burst into happiness like a kid who was given chocolates. "YES YES SHE REPLIED! SHE'S TAKING PART!!" This left the members laughing at Bobby and his excitement.Things are starting to get interesting.

But nonetheless, I was slightly worried. Just like what Jinhwan said, we were still in the process of our survival program with Team A, will this affect our preparation?

WIN is our only hope in order to debut... What if we are not the one standing on stage as Winner at the end...?


One afternoon at the studio, I was added into an unknown chat group with Bobby and a number I did not know. Walking to Bobby's room, I asked him "What's up with this?"

"It's a group chat with Chohee! I want to talk to her but don't know how so let's just talk to her together. You know, the three of us are the songwriters working together if she were to join our team."

"You don't even know if she's going to be paired with us, isn't this a little random??" I retorted.

"Aish! I just wanted to find an opportunity to talk to her okay. Help me Hanbin!"

"Okay fine, let me start something."

BI: Hello Chohee do you know who you're working with already? Mr Yang said that they are announcing the pairings this evening.

Chohee: Hey guys!! Long time no see :)

Chohee: Yep, they gave me an address to go to but I have no idea who's that. Do you know whose studio is in the East Wing, room 134?

Bobby and I exchanged glances. We can't help but burst our laughing after reading her reply. THAT IS OUR STUDIO! Bobby was grinning from ear to ear before I announced to the team that Miss Pretty Songwriter will be grouped with us!

Bobby replied her in the chat that we don't know who's in that studio but we told her to have a positive mindset when checking out the studio in the evening.

Meanwhile, we have prepared a pleasant surprise for her...

When it was about time she arrived. We turned off all the lights in the studio and hid in the corners and behind boxes. The members are surely enjoying all the fun. And also, the fun we are going to have teasing Bobby in the future.

For once, I left the worries of WIN behind and just enjoyed myself in the moment. Maybe having Chohee to join us wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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