Chapter 3: the boys

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Chohee POV
"Hello anybody there?" I knocked on the door of the studio repeatedly. But there was no response. The lights of the studio were not turned on either.

Did I find the wrong studio? I checked the message assigned to me for the hundredth time and it was correct. Hmmm, maybe the group isn't around at the moment.

I twisted the door knob and entered the studio, only to be greeted by silence and darkness. Taking a few steps forward to examine the room, I realized how quiet and eerie it was. "Maybe I did enter the wrong studio..." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, the door behind me banged closed. And the sound of the door locking could be heard. A chill ran down my spine. I was scared beyond words.

Many dark shadows started to make their way towards me. They loomed over me, and a hysterical laughter could be heard. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and my hair stood on their ends.

"Please don't kill me... I'm too young to die please please please..." I whimpered.

"Chohee, you're so cute when you're scared." A voice said. Hey, I know that voice. I wouldn't have mistaken.


The lights turned on and 6 faces appeared in front of me. "Annyeong!" BI greeted as he smirked at me.



"Hey hey hush, don't cry baby Chohee," Bobby comforted me as he patted my back to calm me down. I didn't even notice tears started flowing down my face. I quickly wiped the tears away and coughed in embarrassment.

What a nice way to make a first impression, Chohee...

"Erm, I'm sorry for yelling at you guys, I know y'all just wanted to play a joke on me. Sorry I overreacted." I bowed at the members.

"It's okay, don't sweat about it. We wouldn't have done it if we knew you were going to be so scared." A boy wearing black oversized hoodie and skinny jeans said.

You totally look like a mess now, Chohee. I think I should make up by introducing myself properly.

"Hello Team B, my name is Park Chohee and I'm the songwriter paired with your group. I am 17 years old, and I stay alone in the YG apartments. I've met BI and Bobby few days ago at a songwriting course but I don't know the rest of you well yet. Please take care of me and I hope we will work well and become friends."

"Wow you really change the mood fast." BI remarked jokingly.

"Okay guys come on introduce yourselves. I think we can skip introductions of Bobby and I." He continued.

I nodded at him before giving my attention to the rest of the members.

"Annyeong I'm Kim Jinhwan, the oldest of the group and I'm best at singing!" Wow he didn't look like the oldest at all!

"LOL don't listen to him. Everyone knows I'm the best at singing. My name is Koo Junhoe, nice to meet you." Sassy. This guy is gonna be fun to hang out with.

"Kim Donghyuk imnida! I think you're really pretty Chohee!" With that I blushed and thanked him.

"Hi I'm Yunhyeong! If you ever need some lip balm you can always look for me! I've a never ending supply!" Yunhyeong made everyone giggle.

They were a really fun bunch of people and I'm starting to like them a lot. They laughed at my reaction just now and they seem to enjoy making fun of my misery. These punks, I don't know what they will do to me in the future. We talked more and realized I had to address most of them as oppas except Junhoe and Donghyuk. But we decided to not pay so much attention to all the formalities and treat each other like friends.

"Hey let's play 20 questions!" Yunhyeong suggested.

"That's boring, let's change the rules slightly! We will spin the bottle and that person can ask a question where everyone else have to answer!" BI said, which earned nods from everyone.

The bottle spun and stopped in front of Jinhwan. He turned to grin at Bobby and asked "Is anyone here dating?"

Was he curious if Bobby was dating someone? It shouldn't be, since they were together every day. But to Jinhwan's question, everyone's answer was no.

Next, it was Donghyuk's turn to ask a question and he asked how many relationships have everyone been in before.

"What's with all the questions related to love relationship?? But yeah my answer is 1." I answered.

That earned ooohs and aaahs from them. "Why was that surprising that I had dated before?" I asked.

"No no, we were just thinking how is it possible that you only had one boyfriend even though you're so pretty! You must have had a lot of suitors!" Bobby said and blushed slightly that was hardly noticeable.

"Mmhm, but I knew him since young and we were always together. We only became an item for a short while though." I replied sadly, thinking about my past relationship with Taehyung.

"Oh c'mon lets continue with the game!" Bobby cheered, trying to relieve the tensed atmosphere.

The bottle slowed down and pointed to me. Yes, now I finally had the chance to ask something.

"If you guys were girls, who will you date amongst the members?"

"EW NO WAY!" BI shouted in disgust.

"These guys are too messy, I'll never date any of time!" Jinhwan added.

"Can I choose myself instead?" Junhoe rolled his eyes at my question.

The night continued with games and laughters.
When it was finally time to leave, I paused for a moment.

"I know you guys are in the midst of WIN now, I don't want to be a burden so please focus on your show and I'll try to help you guys as much as possible too!"

"Yah pabo why would be find you a burden? You're a songwriter! You can help BI write songs for us and lessen his workload!" Yunhyeong smiled.

"Exactly, you're not a burden Chohee-ah!" BI affirmed me with his eyes.

"Just let me know if you need anything help, even if its to help you takeaway food from the canteen."

"You're so naggy Chohee. Look at how close we have become in just one day. Now I know why Bobby likes you so much." Jinhwan said.

Bobby punched Jinhwan hardly in the shoulders. And everyone in the room instantaneously quieted down.

"Yeah, we are good friends now, aren't we?" Bobby laughed weirdly before quickly opening the doors to send me away. I didn't understand what that laugh meant, but shrugged it off as nothing important.

I am really so grateful to this bunch of buddies who are helping me. I wouldn't have expected to be so close and comfortable with people whom I have just met for the first. They must be gifts from heaven to me.

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