Chapter 16: get away from me!!!

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Chohee POV
Three weeks have passed ever since we came back from the camping trip. Mr Yang sure is kind to give us a short vacation before dumping us tons of work to do. I was given several OSTs and commercial jingles projects while the boys had to work on their upcoming monthly evaluations.

We only managed to have a few dinners together, other than that we were too busy to meet up. I had a song due tomorrow and I am not anywhere near finish.

Studio 318 has been my shell for the past few days. I am stuck in the studio writing and editing songs non-stop. I sleep there, I eat there, other than toilet breaks there's nothing I do not do in studio 318.

Today was not going to be an exception. But the heavens decided to play a prank on me. The studio suddenly blacked out when I was almost done with arranging my song. This is due tomorrow noon and I do not have time to wait for the technician to arrive the next day!!!

I prayed hard for the studio next door to be empty. Heck, even if it was occupied I was going to beg the person to allow me to use the studio for the night.

Unless the person inside is Lee Hi, then I swear I would leave immediately.

And of course, the heavens would go all out to prank me. The room was occupied.

"Excuse me, hello?" I greeted as I entered the room after knocking.

"Hey Chohee!!"

"Hanbin! Omg thank god it's you here!" I was relieved since it was easier to ask a good friend for a favour.

"Do you want to come over tonight for supper? I'm sure everyone misses you!" He asked.

"Sorry Hanbin oppa, I have a song due urgently. Actually I'm here to borrow the studio because my studio blacked out and I need to edit my song ASAP." I said apologetically because I knew he was also rushing for time. If not he wouldn't still be here at the company.

"Yeah sure, anything for you Chohee." He smiled.

"I'm so sorry BI, I owe you a favour I'm seriously very thankful and sorry for this." I apologized.

With that, I was using the computer to finish arranging my song while BI sat at a corner to write his lyrics. We worked in silence as both of us were focused on our songs.

The clocked ticked away and it was already 4am. I was finally happy with my final product and I had sent it to Mr Yang's email. I stood up to stretch my body, feeling my bones crack slightly.

I turned around to see BI sleeping on the couch. I went over and admired his sleeping face. My heart thumped as realization swept over me.

1.     I was staring at him at such a close proximity.

2.     He was so cute when sleeping.

I slapped myself to stop gawking at the sleeping BI. It must be very uncomfortable to sleep on the couch hence I decided to wake him up.

"Hanbin, Hanbin! Let's go home."

"Oh Chohee ah, you finally done?" BI said as he yawned.

"Yes finally! I'm so sorry for using your studio."

"It's okay. There's nothing much I can do without the computers but I finished writing my lyrics."

"So you have been waiting for me? You could have went back earlier to rest," I asked shocked.

"How could I leave you to walk home alone later? It's so dangerous."

"Ah yes, we are back to this again..." I remembered him insisting to send me home in the past.

"Okay, how about let's go for breakfast before going home?" I suggested since I was feeling hungry after all the hard work.

With that we reached the 24-hour Mcdonalds to have breakfast. I missed this, spending time with my friends. I have been too overwhelmed with work for the previous weeks that I have neglected my friends.

"What are you guys working on nowadays?" I asked.

"Just the usual monthly evaluations performances. Honestly, they are nothing compared to our WIN performances. This is much easier and stress-free."

"That's good to hear, seems like you guys are having a rather easy time unlike me. Mr Yang is assigning me a whole lot of projects at one go!"

"Think of it the good way, he is confident of your songs!"

"Yeah, but its taking up too much of my time that I don't even hang out with you guys lately."

"Don't think so much, look aren't you free to spend time with us now?"

"Hey why don't let's surprise the others. They are unaware that we are together now right?"

"Yep, come on let's go back to the dorm now, I've recently bought some scary face masks!" BI said with an evil grin.


We tip toed into the house, making as little noise as possible. It was only 6am in the morning, and we are very certain that none of the members would be awake now. We put on those disgusting and frightening masks before approaching the sleeping boys.

The unlucky victim of our prank is our beloved oldest member, Jinhwan! BI and I were hoping to see his cry out of fear.

I slowly approached Jinhwan who was sleeping on the bottom bed of the bunk bed, with Bobby on top.

I gently scratched Jinhwan's face gently with my long nails and when he was stirring in his sleep, I went closer to his face.

His eyes slowly opened and he froze. His eyes widened in shock. Blinking once, blinking twice. And there was what we were waiting for.


Bobby was awake immediately after hearing Jinhwan's scream. Thankfully, BI had already gotten into position. He had climbed up the bed and hung on the sides of the bed, placing his face very near to Bobby.

With that, came another scream of fear.

"OH MY FK, GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Bobby shouted so loud that I was sure their neighbours would be awake by now.

The other three boys came running to Jinhwan and Bobby's room. Donghyuk was holding a broomstick; Yunhyeong was holding the dustpan; Junhoe grabbed the frying pan. They were all in their ready-to-attack position.

BI and I were laughing hysterically until our sides hurt. Tears formed in my eyes from all the laughing.

"Annyeong everyone, good morning!" I laughed evilly as the both of us removed our masks to reveal ourselves.

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