Chapter 27: boy friend

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Chohee POV
"Hellooooo" I shouted as I entered the boys' dorm. It was a weekend afternoon and I knew that the boys' didn't have practice today.

"Hi Chohee!" The boys called out, as they were all busy with the respective things. Yunhyeong and Bobby were playing card games; Chanwoo, Jinhyeong, Donghyuk and Jinhwan were watching Jurassic Park; Junhoe was on his phone and BI was nowhere in sight.

"I need to go to the broadcasting station to collect some documents today. Anybody interested to go with me?" I asked.

"Yea-" Bobby answered but was punched in the stomach by Yunhyeong. He whispered something to Bobby and he quickly replied "No, sorry Chohee, I'm not free today..."

"Donghyukie what about you? Watch your movie some other day and accompany meeeee." I asked.

"Sorry noona, I don't feel like going out today." He said apologetically.

"Why is everyone so 'busy' today??" I asked irritated.

"Oh hello Chohee, you're here!" BI said as he walked out of his studio.

"Noona, Hanbin hyung is very free today!" Chanwoo jumped from his seat and pushed BI towards the centre of the living room.

"Oh yes yes, he has nothing else to do now." Jinhwan ran up and placed both of his hands on BI's shoulders. The oldest and youngest of the room seemed to be promoting Hanbin as a product.

"Right Hanbin?" Jinhwan asked again as he secretly (not that secretly as I could still see) pinched BI's shoulders.

"AH! No, I mean yes!" BI yelped in pain before quickly correcting his answer.

"You guys are acting really weird today but let's go BI! We will come back soon enough to watch movies and have dinner!" I dragged his arm and left the dorm together.


"Alright BI, I've got the documents I need. Let's go!" I cheered as i left the administrative office.

"Seriously, you make me come out with you just to get some papers?" He complained.

"Hey you're free anyway, might as well do a good deed to your dear friend here." I playfully hooked my arm under his arm and tugged him towards the exit.

"Yes manager, thank you." A familiar person walked towards me, as he was busy talking to an older man. I would never forget that face and that voice which I have known for years.

Kim Taehyung.

"Hanbin-ah, let's walk faster." I whispered as I quickened my steps. I bowed my head lower, hoping that Taehyung would not recognize me.

As we almost reached the exit, I thought I was safe but someone roughly turned me around.

"IT'S REALLY YOU! Park Chohee, why have you been ignoring my texts??" Taehyung pulled me into a hug which I immediately tried to escape from but he was too strong for me.

"Taehyung let go of me!" I said as I continued trying to pry his arms away from me.

"Chohee, I missed you a lot!" He ignored my requests.

"Yah yah, she said let go of her!" BI pushed him away from me and hides me behind his back. He held a protective arm over me, as if being a barrier between Taehyung and I.

"Who are you to interfere in our matters?" Taehyung was livid.

"The last time I checked, she clearly does not want to have anything to do with you so back off while we are still speaking nicely." BI argued.

My heart skipped a beat at his powerful attack.

"Taehyung please, can you just leave?" I pleaded him to stop this drama before we attracted a large crowd of audience. These two idols here don't need the extra limelight.

"Have you moved on already? Have you forgotten about us?" Taehyung continued demanding answers from me.

"Yes Mr Kim Taehyung, I'm Chohee's boyfriend. Whatever happened in the past is already over. Please leave us alone now. Haven't you hurt her enough?" BI rolled his eye and dragged me out of the building.

"Are you okay?" BI asked me softly as we walked back to the dorm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you Hanbin, for helping me out."

"It's nothing much, but he is truly a pain in the ass."

"He thinks we can still have a chance together after he debuted. But once the damage is already done, nothing can heal the wound anymore..."

"Deep, but hey I get to be your boyfriend today!" BI joked, trying to change the tensed atmosphere.

"YAH you took the chance to call yourself my boyfriend right?" I laughed.

"Well it is true, isn't it?" Hearing that from BI, I stopped in my tracks.

Was that a confession? Was he trying to ask me out??

"Mwo?!" I blurted.

"Am I a boy? Am I your friend? Then yes, I am your boy friend!" He flicked my forehead with his fingers.

"You should have seen your reaction Chohee!" He held onto his stomach as he laughed out hard.

Kim Hanbin is an idiot who keeps playing with my heart. Was it disappointment that I felt when he said that I'm just a friend..?

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