Chapter 20: nothing else matters

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Chohee POV
Time seemed to have come to a standstill.

Was I going to die? On my 17th Christmas? If I really were to die now, the last person I have met is BI. I'm contented, at least I got to say a proper goodbye to him before leaving this world. I hope he won't feel too guilty though, knowing that he could have helped me avoid this accident if he was with me.

But I don't blame him at all. How could I ever feel angry at him when he meant so much to me?

Time finally continued ticking away and I was hit hard with reality. Not by the truck, but by the rough ground.

Wait a minute, rough ground?

"YOU IDIOT PARK CHOHEE! What were you even thinking?" A loud voice boomed.

I look up to see BI and I both sprawled at the side of the road.

"Young girl, stop using your phone when crossing the road. You won't be so lucky all the time!" The truck driver called out as he drove away.

I was still shocked beyond words. That was the closest encounter I had ever had with a near death experience.

BI frantically cupped my face with his right hand. His eyes were widened in fear and they were on the brink of tears. His eyes roamed around my face feet and arms, checking if I had sustained any injuries.

"Are you okay? Are you injured anywhere??" He sounded extremely panicked. I nodded my head without saying anything.

A drop of tear rolled down his cheeks. I was pulled into his embrace as he whispered into my ear. "As long as you are safe now, nothing else matters."

My heart wrenched. I could tell that he was genuinely worried and afraid that I would get injured. I returned his hug, and quietly stroked his back.

People walking around stopped and pointed at us. We had attracted much attention from the mini drama that happened.

"Hanbin-ah, let's leave here first," I tilted my head to look into his eyes before removing my arms around him. I stood up and held out my hands to pull him up from to stand.

"Argh!" BI screamed in pain when I grabbed his left hand.

I look over at him in worry to realize that he had hurt his left hand while trying to push me away from the truck. We didn't know if had fractured a bone or sprained his wrist. I had to get him to the hospital.

Without hesitation, I flagged a taxi that was nearby. I placed my arms over his waist and tried to hurl him into the taxi.

"What are you doing?" He asked, stunned at our close proximity.

"Getting you to the hospital. We are going to get you to get an X Ray now." I instructed seriously.


The X Ray results were out after a few hours of waiting and thankfully it was just a mild wrist sprain. The doctor had advised him not to move around much for the next few days and no vigorous activities for the next few weeks. It was fortunate that it was his left wrist hurt when he was a right-hander.

"Yah how are you going to get home on your own with that arm sling around you?"

"I can take the taxi?" He asked as if it was the most normal thing on earth.

He got hurt because of me. There's no way I'm going to leave him alone especially with that injury. What if he needed to use both of his arms somehow and eventually further aggravate his injury?

"Let me accompany you home and make sure you are safe. If not I would feel guilty the entire day. Anyway, I'm free." I smiled and insisted.

BI's home wasn't big but it was cozy. There were simple decorations hung on the outside out their house and soft Christmas carols could be heard.

"Okay, I'll get going now. Are you staying over tonight or are you heading back to the dorm? Should I send you a taxi here later? No wait, I'll just come and pick you up again-" I wasn't able to finish what I was about to say. A middle-aged lady who looked very young appeared at the door.

"Hanbin ah, my son! How long have we not met each other?" The lady came forward to hug BI, not failing to notice his bandaged arm.

"Hello eomma, this is Chohee, my friend from the company." He introduced warmly.

"Hello Mrs Kim, nice to meet you. I'll get going now." I quickly bowed but the lady stepped forward and held onto my arm.

"Join us for dinner! The more the merrier!" She invited.

I looked at BI worriedly, not wanting to disturb their reunion in months.

"Yeah Chohee join us, unless you think my home is too small and uninviting."

"YAH don't put words in my mouth! Alright, I'll stay for dinner."

Upon entering their house, I was introduced to a middle-aged man as BI's father, and a little girl as BI's three years old sister.

She was such an adorable and endearing little girl. The angelic smile of hers never left her face and she was dressed as a fairy with fake wings attached to her back.

"Oppa oppa!" She called out to him. They have not met in months ever since WIN ended. They must have missed each other a lot.

"Oppa, who is this eonnie?" she asked innocently after realizing there was a stranger in her home.

"Annyeong Hanbyul, I'm your oppa's chingu. My name is Chohee!"

"Chohee eonnie you're so pretty, I like you eonnie!"

"You're pretty too Hanbyul, I think I like you too!" I smiled at her.

The night carried on with the scrumptious meal prepared by BI's mother and the joyous atmosphere with the family catching up with one another.

After knowing that I was alone in Seoul, BI's family had gladly asked me to follow BI home whenever we were free. They really treated me like their own family. His parents loved me; they were very excited to know that I had written the song of their favorite drama.

Hanbyul loved me too. She wouldn't stop playing hide and seek with BI and I. We played pretend with her cooking and doctor toy sets. It had been a long time since I played with little children and I really enjoyed this homely feel.

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