Chapter 7: chocolate carrot pudding

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Chohee POV
We decided to walk to their dorm instead of driving there. The weather was nice tonight. I walked together with Bobby, while the other boys were busy fooling around in front of us.

"What do you call a missing wolf?" Bobby asked me. I shook my head, signaling that i didn't know the answer.

"A where-wolf!" He bursted out laughing at his own joke. His laughter was so contagious that it made me laugh too.

"Your jokes are so lame Bobby oppa!"

"I know it's cheesy, but i feel grate!" He was satisfied with his attempt at a pun and he started laughing again.

His laughter was so loud and contagious that the boys in front all turned around to laugh at us. They judged us for being a public nuisance but we didn't really care.

Hey, the boys just had a rough day, we needed to let all the stress out.

"Chohee, you're really not an average girl. You are so pretty yet you don't really care about your image at times." Bobby said.

"Are you trying to say I'm embarrassing to be with?" I argued.

He gazes deeply into my eyes, making the atmosphere a little awkward. How did we escalate from lame jokes to awkward moments so quickly?

"No, I'm just wondering how do you keep making my heart miss a beat."

I coughed, trying to come up with a new conversation topic. I was very certain my face had become as red as a tomato from all the blushing. Just then, someone came in between Bobby and I, placing each of his arms on our shoulders.

BI cooed, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Yah we are talking about how annoying you are!" I joked. And I thanked BI internally for saving me in this awkward situation.

"Precisely, if not do you think we are complimenting you?" Bobby added.

With that, we earned angry groans from BI and he chased us along the street, all the way until we reached their dorm.

After running for such a long distance, I was panting heavily. "I could never be as fit as you guys. Look both of you aren't even panting!"

"Someday you should come and dance with us noona!" Donghyuk chirped.

"Oh definitely no!! I'm as uncoordinated as an elephant, I cannot dance at all."

"Everyone can dance! Look at Koo Junhoe, he dances like a spider but he is still overflowing with confidence." Jinhwan joked.

"YAHHHH" Junhoe shouted and he easily headlocked Jinhwan with his advantage of height.

Everyone else laughed at this sight and continued walking home.


At their dorm, everyone settled down, and I changed into a hoodie which Bobby lent me, which made me look like a drowning person.

"Chohee where are your arms??" BI teased as the other boys erupted into laughters seeing me in the oversized hoodie.

"Do you want to borrow mine? I'm smaller sized compared to Bobby and his muscles." Jinhwan asked.

"It's okay Jinhwan oppa, I'm going to start a new trend of wearing oversized hoodies!" I stuck out my tongue at BI, who is still unable to stop laughing at me.

"Sure, then you will be FashionistHEE" Junhoe added, before erupting into laughters again.

"You annoying chocolate carrot pudding!!!" I threw a pillow into his face.

"Chohee noona, you are the most hilarious person I have ever seen!" Donghyuk went into a laughing fit.

"Chocolate carrot pudding???" BI rolled onto the floor laughing.

"Alright guys, let's stop teasing her before she gets angry with us." Jinhwan said while the younger few of the group tried to contain their laughters.

"The oldest of the batch is still the most dependable one." I said while shooting a smug face at those laughing idiots.

"Yah Park Chohee, I was helping you and you called me old?" Jinhwan yelled.

"Mianhae oppa!"

"Alright let's stop fighting, how about let's play truth or dare with special additions!" Yunhyeong suggested.

"Oh are we thinking of the same special addition?" Jinhwan smirked.

"Hanbin-ah, help us get it please!" Yunhyeong shouted at BI who nearest to the kitchen.

"Ne hyung,"

I was a little worried about this 'special addition'. Please don't tell me it's alcohol, I don't want to get drunk in a house with 6 boys...

And soon after, BI returned with a large container of wasabi sauce.

Should I be relieved at it isn't alcohol? Or should i be more worried about this wasabi punishment? Either way, I'm having a bad feeling about this...

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