Chapter 15: last day of camping!

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After Chohee left the restaurant, we were sure that she was extremely furious. Chohee wasn't a bad-tempered girl, and she would always try to be considerate. This time Lee Hi must have gone over her limits.

We wanted to follow her out but when Lee Hi sensed that. She immediately started babbling on about her life as a YG artist and through her words ,she made us stay on with her, using her authority as our senior.

People say boys are denser than girls when it comes to feelings. I wondered how Chohee managed to keep her anger in check throughout her stay with Lee Hi in her tent.

Around half an hour after Chohee left, we finally managed to convince Lee Hi that we needed to leave the restaurant. She asked for my contact number and I reluctantly gave it to her.

I am seriously considering to change my phone number once this camp is over.

Lee Hi was so happy that she was on all smiles. She gave me a peck on the cheek and left after that.

Wait what just happened???

I was shocked. The boys were shocked. We were all shocked that we were speechless.

"OMG KIM HANBIN holy macaroni and cheese cupcakes!!!" Chohee yelled as she ran across the street towards us. She took out her wet tissue and handed it to me.

I instantly took it and rubbed hard at my cheek. This Lee Hi was unbelievable.

"Seriously Chohee, did you just curse with cheese cupcakes?" Mino said as he trailed behind Chohee. They must have met after Chohee left us.

That earned laughters from everyone who have recovered from their shock. Chohee blushed from the embarrassment.

"Hey I was just too overwhelmed to think. She was so annoying I wanted to bang her head on the wall." She said angrily. It was cute to see her getting so worked up.

"Oh so she's the person you were annoyed with." Mino said.

"Ah crap, so much for not telling you." She chucked.

"Hey you two come out from your bubble and include us please," Jinhwan frowned.

"Yah Mino hyung, noona is out of bounds because she's our friend! Stop any thoughts you might be having of her!" Donghyuk warned.

"Seems like with you guys arounds me I can safely keep boys away from me," she laughed.

"Hmm, Chohee please don't tell me you don't like boys?" Mino pretended to be shocked and disappointed.

"Nope, just that I'm not ready to be in a relationship yet." She explained.

While we walked and chatted, we reached the convenience store and decided to each get an ice cream and just chill at the beach. Mino had to leave early to return to his friends.

The weather was perfect, sunny but not humid. We started discussing about Lee Hi and I assured everyone that I wasn't interested in Lee Hi in any way possible. Actually, I even have negative vibes of her. The topic on Lee Hi ended shortly, we didn't want to continue talking about her after that horrific encounter with her. I hope she would not disturb Chohee again to hang out with us.

Time flies without us knowing. It was already the last day of our camping trip as we had to leave for home the next morning. We have decided to spend our time here wisely. Our first stop would the KTV!

We sang many songs and danced along to those that we were more familiar with. Surprisingly, Chohee has a nice voice. With her talents, looks and voice, she would be a big hit if she debuted as an idol.

But selfishly, I would rather her not. If only things could remain forever like this between the 7 of us.

"Boom shakalaka!! I wanna dance dance dance dance dance!" Bobby screamed and we all jammed to the music. With a few hours of non-stop songs and dance, we were exhausted by the time we exited the KTV.

It was in the late afternoon and we decided to head to the water park before they closed for the day. We played with slides, water rides and just lounged in the water for hours. We played like little kids, splashing water at each other and racing in the water.

"Hey hyung, let's dunk Chohee in the water while she's not paying attention." Donghyuk nudged me towards Chohee who was looking at the other water rides, not looking in our direction.

On the count of three, the two of us lifted Chohee off her feet. With our arms behind her, we swung her back and forth for a few times before throwing her off into the swimming pool.

"YAH KIM HANBIN, KIM DONGHYUK!!!" Her hair was all over her face when she rose from the water and screamed at us.

"Uh-oh, Donghyukie I think it's time we run for our lives!" I said as Chohee came up from the pool and ran towards us.

She was fast. Really fast. In a flash, she jumped onto my back and I picked her up from behind, leaving us in a piggy-back position.

"Hah! You failed to make me fall, now I can dunk you again!" I laughed at her.

"Not so fast, you idiot!" She pulled my hair so hard that I screamed out in pain. I wasn't able to control my movements since she pulled my hair as if directing a horse to move. Soon, I fell into the pool with her on my back.

I quickly stood on my feet in the pool and Chohee did the same. We were only separated by a hair's breath distance. We were a little too close to each other.

"In your face!!" She splashed some water into my eye before running away to catch up with Donghyuk for her revenge.

Chohee, why do you keep making my heart beat even though I already know that there's no hope for us to get together?

I watched as she fought with Donghyuk just like how she did to me earlier. She was very close with all of us, just like brothers. It didn't bother her for us to see her in her most unpresentable state, she was always very comfortable with us in everything.

We went for a quick bath and then dinner. Lastly we went stargazing on the grassy fields of camping site and fell asleep there. Chohee did not want to return to her tent and face Lee Hi so we accompanied her to spend our night on the field.

She fell asleep between Bobby and I. The boys all slowly succcumb to their fatigue after having spent the entire day playing. As usual, I was the only member left awake. I removed my jacket and covered her with it, before sitting cross legged to continue star gazing.

It was very chilly in the wee hours, especially now that I didn't have my jacket with me. Chohee slightly shifted in her sleep and snuggled closer to me. I gently placed her head on my thighs to act as her pillow.

Everything during this trip felt like a dream. A bittersweet dream filled with lots of drama. We started off hoping Chohee would meet new friends, and the only friends she met was annoying Lee Hi who makes use of her and the handsome Mino who is always trying to get into her good books. I once worry that Bobby and Chohee would end up together as a couple, only to find out about her lack of trust and confidence in relationships.

But, this trip was an enjoyable one as I got to learn more about Chohee who usually puts us above herself, and hardly share her worries with us. Also, looking at her lying on my lap, sleeping peacefully and safely, there's nothing more I can ask for.

She's our good friend right, of course I had to take care of her.

Suddenly I felt a buzz of vibration nearby. The bright screen of Chohee's phone lighted up. I couldn't help but let curiousity take over me. I peeked at the screen, which showed a new message received.

Kim Taehyung: Chohee why are you ignoring me? I know you have not changed your number yet.

Is this Chohee's ex-boyfriend? Was he still harassing her? But from his message, I could tell that Chohee was not planning to be involved with this Kim Taehyung anymore.

I have the sudden urge to protect her from the man who has hurt her once. He shall not have another chance to break Chohee's heart again.

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