Chapter 25: camping!

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Chohee POV
To improve the teamwork between the eight of them, Bobby, Jinhwan and BI have planned a camping trip for everyone!

The first day, they played a variety of sports and games while the filming crew did their shooting for the show. However, the second day was dedicated to more teambuilding activities without the interference of filming.

Of course, being the good friend of the boys, I was invited too!

We were currently playing hide and seek at the campsite with Bobby and Junhoe being the seekers. With the awkward pair as the seekers, the hiding team sure had a higher chance of winning! The two of them can't even won't be able to work together!

The seven hiders ran in different directions as soon as they started counting down from twenty. There weren't many places to hide although the area was very big. I soon found a huge rock that next to a tree. It was perfect to hide between the tree and the rock.

"Donghyukkie! Chanwoo-ah! Jinhwan-ie hyung!" Bobby called out, attempting to scare us. He walked past my hiding area without suspecting that I was nearby.

I must be a genius. Not.

"Argh!" I screamed when someone tapped my shoulder. I thought I had just escaped from Bobby.

"Pabo Chohee, its just me!" BI placed his palm over my mouth to hush me.

"I can't find anywhere to hide, just let me stay here until the coast is clear." He whisper-yelled.

"This place is too small to fit us both!" I argued and pushed him away into the open.

"YAH Park Chohee don't be selfish!!" He tried to enter my hiding space again.

"Whoever's nearby, I can hear you~" Junhoe sang out loud.

With one quick movement, BI dragged me to hide behind the tree bark. He placed one arm across my back, and the other arm on my mouth to silence me.

We were so close to each other. Very close.

And, we were very close to getting caught by Junhoe too.

"Strange, I thought I heard someone talking..." Junhoe mumbled to himself before walking away in the opposite direction.

With the danger away from us, we let out a sigh of relief.

BI looked far away in the distance, trying to see if Junhoe had already left.

I looked up at him as he still held me in the same position. My heart flipped several times and butterflies were causing chaos in my stomach. What was this feeling?

"Oops, sorry!" BI quickly removed his arms around me and took a step backwards. At that moment, I kind of missed the feeling of his warmth around me. Park Chohee you must be crazy.

It was awkward between us now after our sudden closeness with each other. His eyes darted from side to side as he tried to find words to say.

Why was he so flustered? Did he have something important to say?

"Chohee, I-" He started after a long silence. But sadly, he was interrupted before he could complete his sentence.

"FOUND YOU!" Bobby jumped up onto us.

Thankfully, the game ended quickly for us and saved us from that extremely awkward situation. But I never got to hear what BI had wanted to say back then.

Soon, it was dinnertime and we had a barbeque session at the campsite.

"The previous time we had BBQ was during the YG camping trip!" Yunheong said.

"That was a great time wasn't it?" Jinhwan smiled at the fond memories.

"Camping trips are always fun, we should have this more often." Donghyuk commented.

"Hyung can you pass me some sausages?" Chanwoo said to Junhoe who was responsible for cooking for everyone since he didn't manage to catch anybody today during the game.

"I still remember it was BI and Bobby cooking for us and now its me..." Junhoe complained as he pouted, earnings groans from everyone.

"Koo Junhoe! Please do not act cute ever again. Ever." Jinhwan said. Junhoe just retorted by rolling his eyes in annoyance. Well, that's Junhoe for you.

"Yah, Kim Hanbin and Park Chohee, why are you two so quiet today? You two are such big chatterboxes usually!" Bobby teased.

I unconsciously turn my head and glanced at Hanbin, just to see that he was doing the same thing. I quickly looked away, before replying Bobby. "Just having a slight headache today, it's nothing much."

After dinner, we all retreated to our tents for the night. Hopefully things will return to normal between BI and I tomorrow. I cannot stand this uncomfortable tension between us now.

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