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The Madman stood with his hands behind his back, pacing. They were coming tonight and the Avengers would be assembled within a few days. The Madman laughed. This was going to be fun. Terrorizing Earth's Mightiest Heroes by taking their loved ones or their sanity or their health was going to be so fun. And once the Avengers were dead, it would be only a matter of time before the Earth falls before him.

He chuckled quietly to himself. He heard the door on the other side of the room as it creaked open. It was his second-in-command, the woman who adored him. He didn't feel the same way, but she was handy when he needed something done. He leaned down against the table and watched her approach, her dark curls bouncing in a high ponytail as she walked, her heels clicking against the tile floor.

"They're here, sir." she announced professionally.

The Madman just nodded, turning away from her. A smile spread over his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, walking back toward the window, staring up at the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier. He could see it fairly easily from there, though it was disguised and hard to spot, but this genius could spot it out, spot the faint distortation in the sky. He heard his second-in-command approaching, her seven-inch heels clicking against the tile.

"Good, good." He whispered.

"They're in Puente Antiuego." She told him.

He just nodded.

"Are we ready?"

"Yes, my love. We are so much more than ready... The Avengers will fall."

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now