Steve Rogers

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Steve wrapped an arm around Darcy as the two walked down the corridors to the laboratory. He smiled, looking down at her, and she smiled back. The two found their way to the laboratory and stepped inside, finding it nearly empty, much to Steve's surprise. The only people in there were Bruce, Betty, Tony, Thor, Jane, Fury, Coulson, otherwise known as Vision now, and the new scientist for S.H.I.E.L.D, Leonard Samson. Steve knew what they were probably doing. They'd be searching for Pepper and Billie, or Toni, as she was going by now. Darcy had been asked by Fury to join them for something, and Steve wasn't leaving her side for a single second.

Steve had grown quite fond of Darcy Lewis. She was beautiful and smart and simply amazing. He was beginning to fall in love her, just like he'd fallen in love with Peggy. He wasn't going to lose Darcy though. Being frozen in ice for seventy years was not the kind of thing that happens twice, not even to superheroes who constantly defy logic. That would never happen. How could he do that sort of thing twice? That's the thing. It couldn't. And he wasn't about to let that happen. He would never abandon Darcy like he did Peggy.

But then Steve realized that he was going to have to abandon the woman he was in love with this time. He didn't age. The Super Soldier Serum stopped the Captain from aging, and Darcy was normal, no serum infused with her blood to stop her from aging. She was going to age, and Steve would never change. She could stay with him for the rest of her life, but he could never stay with her for the rest of his. Steve couldn't die. Steve would eventually lose everyone, even the Avengers, except for maybe Logan and Thor and Loki. Aside from them, they'd all be gone.

He tried not to think about that.

Steve opened the door for Darcy as she stepped inside the glass doors. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and led her into the room as the group of Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D agents and turned their attention to the pair. Steve led her towards Fury, who was the one who wanted to speak with Darcy anyways, but not before Stark stepped in front of them drunkenly. He was definitely drunk. Tony laughed like a hyena, laughing like crazy. He was so obviously drunk. It didn't surprise him at all, since he knew that Tony Stark was probably the biggest alcoholic that Steve had ever known.

"Hey... Hey Cap! Guess what! I found some of the security footage from the enemy dude that was in your room. Guess what I found! I'll give you a hint. THE STAR SPANGLED MAN WITH A PLAN!" he sang loudly, drunkenly laughing.

"Oh..." Steve groaned.

"Hey Cap! Guess what I did!"

"Oh, please say you didn't pee in your pants."

"No, no, no... Well maybe. But I posted your song all over the Internet and it already has 50,000 views!"

"Oh my goodness, Stark."

"Hey... Hey Steve. Hey. I got a better song. How about this? When Captain America throws his mighty shield... All those who choose to oppose his shield must yield!!! Unless you're a plane, or a bomb, or some ice, then he'll choose to take a nap because the ice seems nice. When Captain America throws his MIGHTY SHIELD!!!"

"Tony, how drunk are you?"

"He's on his fifth glass of scotch." Bruce groaned.

"Doesn't surprise me at all."

"Um, I thought you weren't allowed to have alcohol on the Helicarrier! No one else is!" Darcy queried.

"Fury let him have some today since I've got it covered. He needs a little bit of something to cope with losing Pepper for so long." Bruce answered.

"I don't need it to cope. Scotch is like 90% of my body. I've got to have scotch like you need water." Tony objected.

"We know that." Steve moaned.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now