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It was all so different. Thor couldn’t help but feel like almost everything in his life had changed since he’d become Allfather. It wasn’t a bad thing, but he had a lot of trouble controlling his power. It felt like any power he’d had before had become ten times stronger and it was almost out of his control. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it was like for his father when he’d first gained the Odinforce.

Thor tried to set aside those thoughts as he walked briskly down the halls of the Helicarrier. It had been a long day. Pepper Potts had exploded and everyone seemed to be mourning, including Thor, who had grown somewhat close to the businesswoman in the past two weeks. Thor and Jane had spent the day trying to understand what had happened and they’d tried to cope with it.

It was about 11:30 and Jane had fallen asleep a few minutes earlier. Thor hadn’t needed sleep and he had gotten bored, so he decided to head back down to the lab to see if Tony was there. Thor knew that Tony had a tendency of going there a lot, and he and Dr. Banner had been working on something the day before. He knew that Tony was in a lot of pain after losing Pepper, but Thor figured that he’d try and work away the pain, like a lot of other people did here on Midgard. Thor was just going to be there for his friend if he needed him, but Thor also knew that Midgardians hated to talk about their problems. The Midgardians were known to do that sort of thing.

Thor stepped into the lab to find many of the Avengers, most of them being the new recruits known as the X-Men. Most of the original Avengers had already gone to bed, needing a break from that rough day. There were only a few of the Avengers that Thor actually knew very well, though he’d befriended a few of the new recruits. Dr. Banner and Dr. Ross were working on the Anti-Venom and Steve Rogers was talking with Darcy, who appeared to have been crying. Hawkeye was wiping down his bow, cleaning it off. Natasha was nowhere in sight, which surprised Thor, considering that the two had been practically inseparable. Thor just assumed that she was asleep.

There were more Avengers in the room, and Lady Sif and the Warriors Three had even come to Midgard to help. Hogun was in a corner, polishing off one of his many weapons. Fandral and Sif, who were best friends, were talking with the new recruit known by the name of Elektra, and Fandral appeared to be flirting with her, as he always did around the ladies. Sif was rolling her eyes at him. And Volstagg had his face in a box of Poptarts, and it took Thor a second to realize that the box of Poptarts that he was devouring happened to be the box he’d hidden for himself.

The others that were lounging about the room were Billie Tyler, also known as Battlescar. There was also Warren Worthington III, also known as Angel. Jan Van Dyne was with him, talking to him. There was Ororo and T’Challa as well. Danny Rand was showing off his Iron Fist to The Fantastic Four and Rogue and Iceman. There were a few others who Thor had yet to meet, but he didn’t particularly care about introductions right at the moment.

Thor made his way over to Dr. Banner, who was Tony’s best friend there, aside from the one called War Machine or Iron Patriot, he’d went by both. Rhodey was his best known name though. But Rhodey was nowhere in sight, and Thor didn’t know the Iron Patriot well anyway, so he was going to go over to Dr. Banner. He headed through the crowded room and approached the doctors.

“Hi Thor.” Betty greeted kindly.

“Hello, Dr. Ross.” Thor greeted in return.

Bruce just grunted a hello.

“Dr. Banner.” Thor greeted the doctor.

Bruce didn’t respond, so Dr. Ross slapped his arm and made him look up.

“Oh, hey Thor.” Bruce greeted before returning to his work.

“I was wondering where I could find the Man of Iron. I would like to see if I can give him some sort of comfort.” Thor inquired.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now