Billie Tyler

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Billie Tyler leaned over the shoulder of the famous Tony Stark as he searched desperately for Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. They had been searching nonstop for the past four days to find the pair, who had been kidnapped right out from under their noses. The fourteen-year-old mutant had been trying her hardest to find them, but her powers weren’t strong enough to locate her two teammates.

Billie was beginning to desperately miss Bruce Banner. Bruce and Billie had become like siblings in the week that they’d known each other. When they were able, the two would spend hours talking about their favorite Doctor and debating nonstop over who their favorite companions were and what the best episode was. She’d memorized every bit about him, though it wasn’t too hard, her being a telepath mutant. But she liked him a lot and she missed him desperately.

She stared as Tony stared at the computer monitor, desperately trying to bring up something on his science bro. They’d been best friends and it was evident that they needed each other. Tony was starting to go just a little bit insane, especially without his science bro to keep him sane. Billie knew that Tony was going through the roughest time of his life, and he was missing the one person he couldn’t live without and the one friend that he needed the most, both at the same time.

Billie had been trying to keep him calm, mainly using telepathy and forms of telepathic hypnosis. But sometimes wounds wouldn’t be healed using another person’s ability or mutation. Only time could heal some wounds, and some wounds would only be healed by someone making the wrong right. Billie hovered over him, trying to find out what she could do to help find Dr. Banner.

Suddenly the blonde felt a light hand touch her shoulder, followed by the rest of an arm lightly touching her. She whipped around to find one of her many teammates who she had befriended in her time on the Helicarrier. Johnny Storm had his arm around her shoulder, like he’d done to so many other girls before her. Billie kept having to remind herself of that. He had gorgeous blue eyes that made her melt every time she looked at him and he had messy blonde hair. He was toned and tall and absolutely beautiful. He wore a plain white t-shirt with a leather jacket topping it off. He wore a silver chain around his neck and a pair of long jeans and combat boots. Perfection. Billie couldn’t help it. She was head over heels.

“Hey beautiful.” Johnny greeted.

“Hi Johnny.” Billie laughed.

“How’s it going?”

“Our search is still going nowhere…”

“I’m sorry… Why don’t I take you out for lunch to take your mind off of things? Maybe a little time with Jonathan Storm can make it all better.”

Billie knew that he was trouble, and nothing but it. She knew he wanted love, but he had no idea on how to commit. Besides, he was a lot older than she was. She was only fourteen, while he was 23. She was too young for him… Sort of. But he constantly hit on her, nonstop. But she could never accept, could she? Billie had tried to search him in the days she’d known him, but it wasn’t working at all. The storm in space that had given the Fantastic Four their powers had scrambled his brainwaves and she couldn’t get a good reading on him. But she had seen enough to know that there were about a million girls he’d dated. There was one in particular that he had been truly, madly in love with. She wasn’t going to go near him just to find herself hurt.

“No thanks. I may not be able to see everything, but I can see another girl who you were madly in love. She was an older woman, older than me at least. I’m not getting hurt by the only guy who is a bigger playboy than Tony Stark.” Billie replied.

“Who said that I was a playboy?” Johnny queried, acting hurt.

“Natasha told me.”

“Natasha is known for her lying. She’s a super-secret spy, remember? How are you so sure she’s not lying to you?”

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now