Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha wandered through the endless hallways of the palace of Asgard. She didn’t know how to get where she was going, but she was going to figure it out. She started down a long hallway that seemed ominous enough to lead to the dungeon. She walked briskly down the hall, not letting any fear that may have stricken show. She brushed her short hair out of her face and thought of some of her more dangerous missions to show her that this wasn’t nearly as mortifying.

She wondered how the other Avengers were doing in Jotunheim. She worried about Clint, though Natasha Romanoff had never been one to worry. Clint was the only one there with no power, and all he really had were his bow and his arrows. She knew that he was capable of fighting off the Giants, but she couldn’t help but think of the worst. She knew that the two had always worked better as a team, and that was why they were partners.

Natasha missed Clint. He was her partner at S.H.I.E.L.D and they were rarely apart anyways. Most of the time they went on missions together, except for the occasion when she would have to use her femininity to trick either the Avengers into coming to the Helicarrier or simply putting the bad guys away. Even then Clint would be around somewhere, spying, making sure she was okay and that she didn’t need backup.

She knew that Asgard was safe and that Odin had accepted her presence, but the thought of intruders left her horrified. She had never been truly afraid in her life, but this was not like anywhere she’d ever been, this was nothing she had ever been trained for. She had seen a lot and she had done more than her fair share of dangerous stunts, but monsters and magic and demons and Frost Giants… This was nothing she could have ever been prepared for, though she knew very well that this was what awaited her when she became an Avenger.

She twisted her bracelets on her wrists, tugging at them to keep her mind busy as she walked carefully down the deserted hallway. This hallway had no windows, the only light shining from the beginning of the hall. As she walked down further, the darker it became. She jumped up onto the wall, ricocheting off and flipping onto the floor. She flipped mindlessly, calming herself down, yet still jumpy.

“Is there any way I could help you, my lady?” said a voice from behind. Natasha jumped around, nervous. She saw a man with neat blonde hair and a goatee. His green eyes were shining and he wore armor similar to Thor and Loki’s. He was definitely an Asgardian. “I need to find the dungeon. I’m Natasha Romanoff, Avenger. I came with Thor.” She said to him.

“Avenger… You must be the famous Black Widow, I assume. Thor tells me all about the Avengers. Your tale of victory over Loki and the Chitari are most fascinating! I am Fandral the Dashing, one third of the Warriors Three!” Fandral said.

“Hi. Well, I don’t know if you know this, but there was a Fire Demon in the courtyard earlier. Loki took it to the dungeon and I stayed behind so I could interrogate it. I have a feeling that the Frost Giants and Fire Demons have allied against us, and I need to know for sure.”

“I’d be happy to escort you there myself, Miss Romanoff.”

Fandral wrapped his arm around Natasha’s shoulders, leading her out of the hallway. She sunk down and unwrapped herself from Fandral’s grip. “I’m sorry. I’m taken.” Natasha said.

“Oh, of course. I see. How could a lovely maiden like you not be taken?”

“Would you please stop flirting? It’s making me uncomfortable.”

“I’m sorry. It’s a force of habit, really.”

“I can tell.”

The two walked the rest of the way in silence. Fandral led the way through the long, winding hallways until they finally reached a heavy metal door. Fandral pulled it open, struggling to get it open. It creaked open slowly, revealing a long, winding staircase, the only light coming from torches hanging from the wall. “Would you like for me to walk you down?” Fandral asked.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt