Tony Stark

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The pain in Tony’s chest was unbearable, and he couldn’t help but cry out in agony. It felt like he was being electrocuted from the inside, and he couldn’t help but scream. He knew it was for the best, and that was the only reason he’d let Hank do that to him in the first place. He looked at T’Challa, his purple eyes wide open from the shock. Everything was a blur, yet the seconds seemed more like hours.

Tony forced his mind to Pepper, trying to think his pain away. He wanted her there, even though she couldn’t do much to stop the pain. He thought of her to the best of his ability, but the excruciating pain forced his mind back into reality. He squinted his eyes shut, trying desperately to escape the pain. But soon the pain ceased, and though it had only lasted seconds, it left him weak, hardly able to move.

Tony lay back onto the ground, cold but not caring. He lay there, listening to the sound of his own breathing, ignoring the cries of battle. He felt Hank jerk the loose wires from the reactor in his chest and then place it back firmly in his chest, twisting it back until it clicked. He felt weaker than he’d ever had, except for the possible exception of when he woke up in Afghanistan.

Tony closed his eyes, breathing in and out. He was slowly regaining his strength, though he still felt weak. He forced his head over to see T’Challa. His perception blurred, he struggled to tell if his friend was dead or alive. He finally gave up trying and leaned his head back again, closing his eyes again, struggling to keep what little energy he had left.

“Tony. Get up.” Tony heard Jan order.

“That shock affected him too, Jan. He probably just had all the power drained from him. He’ll be fine, but let’s let him rest.” Hank told Jan.

“How are we supposed to get him back home?”

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll have Banner carry him back.”

“Well that will be interesting.”

Tony didn’t really care that the Hulk would have to carry him home, though he wasn’t sure whether or not he would crush him. Tony doubted it, considering that the Hulk had saved his life before. Tony trusted Banner, and even though Banner had no control as the Hulk, Tony decided to trust him. Staring at the back of his eyelids, he listened to the conversation.

“Why did that hurt Tony?” Jan asked.

“The electricity went through the wires and into his chest, and when I shocked T’Challa, it somewhat electrocuted Tony. I think he’ll be okay, though.” Hank explained.

“Is T’Challa going to be okay?”

Tony forced his eyes open, blinking in the light. He looked up at Hank, Jan, and now Ororo, who stood around him. He coughed and the three looked down at him. “Did it work?” he asked. He didn’t want his painful effort to be for nothing. Ororo smiled and crouched down beside him. “Yes. Thank you, Tony Stark.” Ororo whispered, pushing back his sweaty hair. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned back on the cold ground. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


A bright, white light washed over Tony as he woke up. He blinked twice, shaking his head. He struggled to remember what had happened. He remembered T’Challa, saving his life using the arc reactor. Yes, that was what happened. He looked around, wondering where he had ended up. He lay flat on his back in a bed. The room surrounding him was white and smelled like a hospital. It sounded like a hospital too. He looked around, and he realized that he was lying in the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier’s infirmary.

He looked around, wondering if T’Challa had made it. He looked to his left, and there lay an unconscious T’Challa in the bed next to him. Ororo sat beside him, running her thumb over his hair. He smiled, glad that his friend was okay. He felt stronger than he had when he had gone unconscious. Tony sat up in his bed, simply glad to be alive. He no longer hurt and he felt as good as new.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang