Natasha Romanoff

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Natasha hurried across the streets of New York, dragging Clint behind her. The two had been inseparable ever since he returned from Jotunheim, yet they were still trying to figure out if they could kiss and such, since they were hybrids of enemies and they were susceptible to each other. But until they figured it out, they were comfortable with just each other's company... But they decided they were going to have to figure it out eventually... And Natasha needed "eventually" to be soon.

Natasha missed the feeling of Clint's lips on her own. She missed the way he felt against her body. She missed the way his breath tasted and the way his lips felt. She missed the way her heart raced at the speed of light every time their lips touched. She wanted nothing more than to kiss him again. But power like hers didn't come without a price. All power comes with some sort of sacrifice.

But there was no time to think about that at the time. She was headed to find the mercenaries called the Heroes for Hire, Iron Fist, Powerman, Elektra, and White Tiger. Nova was one of them too, but they had caught him on his own and he joined the second he saw the Captain. But the rest of them had a tendency to stick together. Natasha had never been fond of them. Nova wasn't bad, but she knew for a fact that Powerman and Elektra were stubborn if they weren't getting paid. Thor, Loki, Dr. Banner, T'Challa, and Ororo had went to see them the day before and the only thing they managed to get done was letting the Heroes for Hire beat up Loki. They'd only gotten to see Powerman, a.k.a Luke Cage, and Elektra. So they didn't get too much work done. Natasha, Clint, Billie, Logan, Jan, and Warren were off to finish the job.

They'd split up into five groups. The first consisted of Steve, Tony, Deadpool, Sam Alexander, better known as Nova, and Alex Summers, also known as Havok. Then Natasha's team consisted of Clint, Billie, otherwise known as Battlescar, Logan, otherwise known as Wolverine, Jan, and Warren, also known as Angel. Then there was T'Challa, Ororo, Bruce, Thor, and Loki, though Loki had stayed behind that day. Then there was Peter, Henry, otherwise known as Beast, Sean, also known as Banshee, Kurt, otherwise known as Nightcrawler, and Kitty, also known as Shadowcat. The last team was Hank, Doctor Strange, Rogue, and Bobby, otherwise known as Iceman. They scattered the world looking for new recruits. And Natasha's team was lucky enough to be stuck getting the Heroes for Hire.

Natasha decided that all hope was not lost though. If they could convince them, then Natasha would at least be able to go see her good friend Sue Storm Richards and the rest of the Fantastic Four. She just prayed that she wouldn't have to whip out the fire on the Heroes for Hire, because no matter how annoying and stubborn, she couldn't deny that they were fantastic fighters.

She knew how well they fought. Powerman had impenetrable skin and super strength. Luke Cage was impressive. He was handsome by all means, black skin and bright brown eyes. He had a goatee similar to Tony's, though Luke's didn't look quite as good. He always wore a simple jacket with the sleeves cut out and the hood always up. He had insane muscles, huge in comparison to most. He was one of the strongest men alive, almost as tough as the Hulk. But he was greedy and stubborn and sometimes he was just flat out mean. He didn't like her much since she'd once tricked him. When S.H.I.E.L.D wasn't so sure about what they were doing, they sent Natasha to spy. When Luke found out, he was furious. She hadn't seen him since and she figured that this wasn't going to be a pleasant meeting. But she knew how to get through to him.

Elektra was one of the world's most skilled fighters, just like Natasha. Elektra was thin and small, though she was tough and had muscles to spare. She had long, curly brown hair, the top always covered by her signature red bandana. She wore a red shirt that came just below her bellybutton with a matching red skirt, though it was strange attire for such a warrior. But it suited her. She was trained to use more weaponry than Natasha had ever heard of, though her fighting skills weren't quite as good as Natasha. She used a lot of weapons, but her trademark weapon was her twin sai. She was smart and manipulative. Natasha didn't like her much since Elektra reminded her of a better version of herself, or at least she had. But now Natasha had fire shooting from her fingertips. She could beat Elektra any day.

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