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Loki pressed his hands against his forehead and closed his eyes, trying to rub away a migraine. Amora and went off with Agent Romanoff for the day and Loki finally had alone time. He had been training with his brother for the past few hours and Thor had decided that he needed to go back to Asgard for awhile and check on how things were going. So Loki was alone at last, just as he had hoped he’d be… Only he didn’t want that anymore. He loathed the silence more than anything in that moment, and he felt like he could be attacked at any moment. This war was really beginning to eat at his nerves, breaking him like he was nothing more than a twig.

Loki closed his eyes, only by to be greeted by flashes of his past, the days before he’d reached his redemption. He shuddered as his old memories haunted him, flashes of the Battle of New York flaunting before his emerald eyes as his eyelids fluttered closed. His two hearts raced inside of his chest. Yes, two hearts. It was a Jotun trait that he had inherited. Thor was like that too. Odin had lied and said that it was an Asgardian trait, but Asgardians only had a single heart. Loki had learned that in his exile, as well as many other things.

Another Jotun trait that Loki had learned of was that Jotuns have an increased tendency to hallucinate. Humans who are classified as schizophrenic are typically partially Jotun in some way, or they have encountered a Jotun, or their ancestors were apart of the war generations ago when the Jotuns attacked Midgard. That is part of the reason why they hallucinated, and it was occasionally the reason why some Jotuns were so violent. Loki had many hallucinations, and though they had been controlled as a child by the Allfather’s power, the power had fled from his body in his exile and now he had no control over the frightening hallucinations that tended to haunt him whenever he was alone, in the silence.

Loki shuddered as his emerald eyes shot open violently, involuntarily. Chills rushed down his spine as he found himself in a bone-chillingly real hallucination. These sorts of things happened a lot to the God of Mischief and Lies. They were no longer voluntary. Instead they happened in the silence, when Loki felt like he was no longer in any control. He felt his two hearts begin to race, like they were competing to see which could go the fastest.

Loki felt a chill wash over his spine as he found himself staring once again at Tony Stark as the man of iron walked in, his suit gone. He turned and recognized the scene. He saw himself, his sinner self, standing there. Loki walked cautiously toward the bar, near Tony Stark. He determined that they couldn’t see him, but it wasn’t like this was real. It was just a hallucination…

“Please tell me you’re going to appeal to my humanity.” The old Loki huffed.

“Uh, actually, I was planning to threaten it.” Tony sneered.

“You should’ve left your armor on for that.”

“Yeah, it’s seen a bit of mileage. And you’ve got your little stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?”

“Stalling me won’t change anything.”

“No, no, no. Threatening. No drink? You sure? I’m having one.”

“The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?”

“The Avengers.”

The old Loki stared at Tony Stark in puzzlement, turning to him. Loki just stared at himself, loathing his old self, wishing he’d reached redemption before it had come to that point. This conversation had haunted the lost prince of Jotunheim the moment he’d finally reached his redemption, his turning point, the moment that Thor had come to see him while he was in the Asgardian prison and had forgiven him. He just wished he’d realized that he was a villain instead of the hero he had thought he was.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now