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T’Challa stretched out on the bed as he read over the words of his favorite book, the book he’d read a million times, stretching across the bed on his back with his wife leaning quietly in his chest, her breathing soft as she dozed off to sleep. Ororo had been getting tired a lot more lately; exhaustion constantly overwhelming her within a few hours of waking up, and her lack of caffeine wasn’t helping her much. But T’Challa didn’t mind. He liked these moments, when he could read or write while she slept in his arms, though he did wish that he could talk to his wife a bit more.

T’Challa was beginning to get used to the fact that Ororo was pregnant with quadruplets. It was strange to think that she was going to give birth to his four children at once in nine months, but it was a good kind of strange thing to think. He always had wanted to have children, but the thought of having four at once just seemed insane to him. He knew that Ororo felt the same. One unplanned baby growing within her would’ve been enough to give her a bit of a scare, but four? That was enough to freak anybody out, even T’Challa.

The reason Ororo had conceived four children so quickly was because her mutated cells and his enhanced DNA had augmented their ability to conceive, and they created the four children that now resided inside of Ororo. T’Challa looked down at his sleeping wife. She was wearing a pair of orange basketball shorts and a blue-striped tank top that ended just above her bellybutton. The word OURS was still printed on her stomach, written in black, permanent ink. It would wash off eventually, but it hadn’t even begun to fade. He smiled at it. She was already beginning to show just a bit, but only a little. The only way that anybody could tell was in what she was wearing then, and even then you could only tell if you’d seen her in that same outfit before. She was still incredibly thin and she’d probably remain that way until the four babies really began to grow, and once the babies were born he was almost certain that she’d return to her tiny-bellied self. He didn’t care either way though. He’d love Ororo to the ends of the earth, absolutely no matter what happened. He loved Ororo and he would never ever let her go.

He began to wonder what his children would be like, how many of each… He smiled at the thought. In all honesty, he wanted two of each, two boys and two girls, but if he didn’t get two of each, that was fine. He decided that they should start looking at names for their four unborn babies, but they still had quite some time before they’d arrive, and they didn’t even know what the genders would be yet. He smiled at the thought of being a dad in only 9 short months. But then, of course, his wife would be going through a few changes of her own while these four babies grew within her, and from what he had been told, T’Challa wasn’t entirely looking forward to all of these changes, but the pregnancy was still going to be somewhat enjoyable, at least once this war was over.

This war was stressing Ororo out, and that was a very bad thing. Stress meant that she was risking the babies, and, as unprepared as they were, neither T’Challa nor Ororo wanted to lose any of those four babies. They already had decided that they loved them, even though they couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time. He had decided to love those four children when he first felt those four, faint, tiny heartbeats from within his wife.

T’Challa turned back to his book and tried to skim over the words, the words that he’d memorized over the years, but he found himself unable to focus anymore. He tried to read but his thoughts of his near future were zooming through his mind faster than the speed of light. He kept thinking about Ororo and the quadruplets and what these next nine months would be like. He gave up on reading his book, deep in thought about far more pressing concerns.

T’Challa shut his book quietly and dropped it quietly on the nightstand, turning back to his sleeping wife as he gently wrapped his arms against her. She stirred a bit, nuzzling deeper into his chest, and then dozing off again. He smiled and pressed his lips gently into her temple. He gently turned her onto her back a bit, stirring her from her sleep, though she didn’t really seem to mind. Her head rolled to the side gently, staring at him with her chocolaty eyes, a small, sleepy smile stretching over her lips. He gently placed his hand on her tiny baby bump and she smiled at him, staring hazily into his purple eyes.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now