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As soon as the Captain gave the orders to get to their places, Loki teleported himself and Amora to the top of a building where accessing the portal would be easy. Amora stood next to him, her wet blonde hair flapping in the violent winds. She wore an extra robe that Loki had, along with some of his older armor that he'd outgrown when he was younger. Even in the oversized clothes and the entirety of her being sopping wet, she still managed to look gorgeous. Loki had allowed the thoughts to enter his mind, accepting the fact that he had a crush, but he'd never say it out loud.

Loki had been forced to put all of his own problems and thoughts aside for the greater good. Ever since Thanos had contacted him and he'd vaguely explained to the Avengers what was going on, he'd bottled up everything. He restrained his sadness, his worry, his pain, his nerve-wracking thoughts that raced through his mind... He forced himself to put everything out of his mind so he could fight, but he couldn't help but imagine what they could possibly be doing to his son...

He shook the thoughts from his mind, knowing that he needed to get those distracting thoughts from his mind and get back to his fight. He turned back to Amora and he grabbed her by the hand, their emerald eyes locking for a moment. He raised their hands into the air, knowing that their combined power would be far more powerful than anything that they could produce on their own. Amora quickly caught on, though Loki noticed that a disappointed look had fallen over her features. Either way, the pair's hands quickly produced a green light, a beam of magic, and it shot violently into the portal, slowing down the Chitauri.

Loki's hand somehow fit perfectly with Amora's, his hand molding perfectly around hers as they held them high. He turned away from the green light that shot into the portal and turned to something even more magical. He watched Amora as she stared into the portal, staring like she was astonished by it, though he knew that she couldn't be too terribly shaken by it. The two of them had seen far worse than a portal.

Loki turned back to the portal and frowned, his memories of the Battle of New York flooding back into his mind. He felt ashamed by all of it, hating himself for being the way that he'd been before he'd come to his senses. He closed his eyes to the awful sight, feeling like this was the Battle of New York all over again. His hand loosened around Amora's feeling ashamed of himself, like he was unworthy to hold onto her, like she deserved better.

Amora must have sensed Loki's discomfort because Loki sensed her worried eyes on him. She squeezed his hand in an attempt to console the prince of Asgard, the God of Mischief and Lies. Her gesture did little, but it told Loki that he needed to stop thinking of his own stupid mistakes and he needed to focus on the battle at hand. He took a deep breath and listened to the music, a new song playing.

In the end

As we fade into the night

Who will tell the story of your life

Who will remember your last goodbye

Cause it's the end

And I'm not afraid

I'm not afraid to die...

It appeared to be the same band that the agent named Skye had been playing earlier. Black Veil Brides, the Avenger did think they were called. He liked the sound of them, the loud music blaring through the rain and winds and thunder. As lightning cracked across the sky, the God of Mischief was beginning to wonder if this really was the end. He knew that it could very well be and he prayed that it wasn't because he knew that they had to win. If they didn't win... Who knew what would become of Midgard, the realm that he was growing to love?

Soon, Thor and Jane joined the two on the building, Thor flying up using Mjolnir. Loki had realized that Jane had been training in combat with Amora and Sif and she had become skilled. Her power was actually quite impressive for a Midgardian and Loki knew that, with some practice, she would make an amazing queen for his brother. He lowered his hand, letting go of Amora's as she followed his actions, lowering her hand and leaning against the wall of the building they were standing upon.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now