Steve Rogers

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Steve sat with his elbows propped up on the table, listening to the loud music as pretty much everyone else danced. Darcy had gone and danced to the fast songs but she would always come back during the slow ones. She would sit across from him and beg him to go dance with her, but he still was wary of it. He was nervous, considering that the only person he’d ever danced with was Angel Peggy in a dream. And even then he’d stepped on her toes. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of Darcy, the woman he was fairly certain he’d be spending eternity with.

Steve had been thinking about spending forever with her ever since he’d confessed his love for her. He knew that he’d not at all mind spending forever with her, knowing that he’d never grow bored with her. He just could tell that God had made her just for him, for the two of them to be together forever. He’d not gotten his chance the first time with Peggy. Now he had a chance with Darcy. He may have lost his chance with Peggy Carter, but he wasn’t going to let his second chance slip away from him so easily.

Just because Darcy was his second chance, that didn’t mean that she was his second choice, because she most certainly wasn’t. If Peggy had come back in that moment, he wasn’t sure if he could honestly pick her. He doubted that he’d ever be able to choose between them since there was still a certain part of him that still loved Peggy. But there was this new part, a part of him that’d just been discovered, a part of him that loved Darcy Lewis with all his heart. That part of him was the most beautiful, wonderful, absolutely marvelous side of him that there was.

Steve sighed, listening to the music as it played loudly. It wasn’t something of his taste, but he supposed that it was alright, though he wasn’t sure how it was considered music. It sounded strange to him and the words weren’t really making much sense to him, but the others seemed to like it. Darcy was swaying along to it, talking to Jane as she did. Steve smiled, watching her as her eyes lit up, singing along with Jane to it. He picked up his notebook off of the table and crept closer to the dance floor so that he could hear her singing. He loved the sound of her voice more than life itself and he desperately wanted to hear her sing. He scooted to the table closest to where she was dancing and listened closely. The music really didn’t have any instruments and it was just singing so hearing her wasn’t too much of an issue.

“Every song is like,

Gold teeth

Gray goose

Tripping in the bathroom

Blood stains

Ball gowns

Trashing the hotel room

We don’t care

We’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams

But everybody’s like



Diamonds on your time piece

Jet planes


Tigers on a gold leash

We don’t care

We aren’t caught up in your love affair.

And we’ll never be royals


It don’t run in our blood

That kind of lux just ain’t for us

We crave a different kind of buzz

Let me be your ruler

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now