Peter Parker

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Peter Parker clung to the ceiling, waiting for a fight. Anyone who came into that building was as good as dead. Peter lurked in the shadows, engulfed by the darkness, despite the bright daylight outside. The building was vacant, the lights all turned off, no windows letting in any real light. It felt like it’d been empty for years. In that case though, it was a good thing that the place seemed so creepy, so ominous. Peter could hide in the shadows and then take out the Giants and Elves without them knowing he was even there.

Alright, MJ. This is for you. Peter thought of Mary Jane, his girlfriend and hopefully soon-to-be wife. He was waiting to propose. Ever since that time where they were broken up, things hadn’t quite been the same. It wasn’t a totally bad thing. They’d gotten back together and they loved each other just like they had before, but there were still times when they’d remember that time when they were broken up. Someone would remember when Peter punched Mary Jane in the face… They’d remember when their best friend changed for the worse. They’d remember when the great Harry Osborn died right in front of them. They would remember, and that led to brokenhearted silences and sleepless nights. It hadn’t been the same without Harry even alive.

Peter loved MJ all the same though. He loved her despite the past and loved her just like he did before. He convinced himself that it’d get better, but he’d been saying that for the past five years. It did get better than at first, but it still hurt to even think about the times before. It hurt to think about when the three, Harry, MJ, and Peter, were all friends, real friends. It hurt to think about before Harry was dead. It hurt to think about the time when Harry was dead. He longed for Harry. There are places where he should have been where he wasn’t, and it all hurt. Every memory hurt, so Peter and Mary Jane looked at the present and their future, and that was all.

Harry’s death had changed everything. It was hard enough not having him as a best friend anymore. It’d hurt during the time when Harry had hated Spiderman without knowing it was Peter. It’d hurt watching Norman Osborn die. But watching Harry die was the worst of all. Once he was dead, Peter felt like it was like Uncle Ben’s death all over again. It was his fault. He longed for his friend again, the one who’d come through for him in the end and fought Sandman and Venom right alongside him. He missed the friend who stood up for Puny Parker when nobody else would. He missed him, and guilt burdened him. It was the same guilt that he’d felt with Uncle Ben. Only this time, Harry had died because he was trying to save Peter.

He tried not to think about that.

Peter always looked at the present and the future, and he struggled to stay away from the past. His past was not for the faint of heart. From his parents’ death to his Uncle Ben’s death to his best friend’s death, everything in his past seemed to ache. He supposed it was what had made him into the person he was, his scars and pain had made him into Spiderman. But it hurt. It hurt losing Uncle Ben. It hurt losing his parents (though he could barely remember that), and it hurt losing Harry.

So instead he focused on the present.

Peter scurried across the ceiling, stepping out of the shadows for only a moment. He was getting good at this. He waited, hoping he’d get the chance to fight. The battle cries of his teammates filled his ears from outside. He could hear the Hulks’ roars of battle. He heard thunder rumble and wind rush outside. Heavy raindrops pounded against the roof of the building. He heard a victorious roar from the Panther. Explosions sounded off from nearby. He could hear Thor and Loki cry, “FOR ASGARD!” as the legendary, Asgardian brothers destroyed the enemy. The sound of the Captain’s shield hitting against walls as it ricocheted back to him seemed louder than ever. He could faintly hear the sound of Jan’s stingers. The destruction of other buildings around him was loud and clear. Deafening sounds that he couldn’t quite name hurt his ears, though he couldn’t say he entirely minded. Bloody cries from the fallen enemy seemed to fill the earth.

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