Steve Rogers

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Steve saw a flash of light quickly soaring up from the Fire Demon. It was alive. He saw the fire hurtling toward Wasp. He didn’t think. He didn’t have time to think. He just ripped his shield off of his arm and sent it soaring toward her. The flame bounced off of his shield and disappeared. His shield bounced off a wall and flew back to him, Steve catching it with ease. Steve watched as a traumatized Jan slowly floated into Hank’s big hands.

“Jan! Are you alright?” Hank asked, cradling her in his big hands.

“Hank.” She whispered his name.

Steve hurried over to the two, pushing past Tony, who was struggling to see what was going on. Steve didn’t care what happened, but he cared about how his new partner was. He stood beside Hank, adjusting the strap on his shield. “Captain.” Hank greeted.

“Doctor.” Steve replied.

“Thanks for saving her. I really don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s my world.”

“Is she okay?”

Hank pulled his hands apart, revealing her tiny body. She definitely looked traumatized, but she didn’t look hurt. She lay in Hank’s big hands, curled into a ball, afraid to move. She was so tiny. She had short brown hair that hung in front of her eyes. Her eyes were clamped shut as she trembled. She wore a tiny black and yellow dress that really did make her look like a wasp. She looked maybe four inches tall, which baffled the captain. He’d never seen anything like it, and he had seen a lot. Despite seeing an average man transform into a raging beast or a man summon lightning from the sky or a man rip off his face and reveal a red, sinister skull, this still baffled him. Steve hated being constantly baffled, but the world he was living in still astounded him, and he bet that it always would, no matter how long he lived there. He gave Jan a light poke on her tiny arm, looking down at her. “Hey, are you okay?” he whispered to her.

“You’ve got some skill with that shield of yours, Captain.” She said.

“Thanks. I’ve had it for awhile.”

“I can tell. Thank you.”

“It’s no problem. I can’t let any of my team get hurt.”

“Hank put me down.”

Hank obediently put down Jan and she quickly grew back to her normal height. Steve was astounded once again, and he was starting to get used to the feeling of bafflement. She held out her hand for him to take. “Janet Van Dyne. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.” She said.

“Steve Rogers.” He answered.

“I’m a big fan. I grew up listening to your stories, and Hank and I went to the party in New York, the one celebrating your return.”

“They had a party for me?”

“Yeah. They put up a statue and everything. It’s down in Times Square. Did you seriously never hear about it?”

“I hardly ever leave the Helicarrier. It’s too… Weird down there.”

“It must be weird for you. The forties are a lot different from now.”

“Tell me about it. Back in the forties, we didn’t have cell phones, and no one had even imagined it… Now you’re weird if you don’t have one.”

“Do you have a cell phone?”

“Yes, now I do.”

“We should get back to work, Jan.” Hank interrupted.

“He’s right.” Steve agreed.

“It was really nice meeting you, Captain.” Jan said, walking away. Steve made his way toward the little crowd. Thor was holding the demon against the wall, holding it by its neck. “What are you doing, penetrating the house of Odin? Why has Surtur sent you here?” Thor bellowed, his grip getting tighter with every word. The demon just laughed wildly, its glowing eyes glaring at him. Thor pulled the demon off the wall just a few inches and slammed it back onto the wall, hard. “What is your business here? What do you plan to do?” Thor shouted, threatening with his hammer.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now