Peter Parker

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Peter bolted up, gasping for breath. He wasn’t quite sure where he was and he wasn’t even sure if he was actually alive. He felt cold, freezing even, his fingers and toes numb with the cold. He looked around, seeing the lights of New York as they lit up the night sky around him. He looked around and found himself sitting on top of a roof of some sort. Where was he?

Peter decided that he needed to start piecing things together, starting from the simplest facts to the more complex things. My name is Peter Parker. When I was 18 I was bitten by a spider that gave me powers. My uncle Ben died. Because of Uncle Ben, I became Spider-Man. My girlfriend’s name is Mary Jane Watson. My best friend is Harry Osborn. Harry died saving me a long time ago. I was asked to join the Avengers Initiative. I joined the Avengers and I found Harry. He is alive. Venom is infecting him though and sometimes it takes him over. I just fought in a battle to save the world from a man named the Mad Thinker. Deadpool and I jumped into a portal so we could close it. There was a flash of light. That’s all I remember.

Peter remembered that Deadpool had been with him through this, but he didn’t see the masked anti-hero anywhere. Peter pulled himself to his feet, though he quickly found himself dizzy. He blinked a couple of times, desperate to regain his balance as he stood there. He needed to find Deadpool, wherever he was. He knew that he was the only reason that Peter was even alive, and he just wanted to thank him. He needed to know if his teammate was even alive.

As the amazing Spider-Man looked around, but, other than the millions of civilians below him, he seemed to be alone. He didn’t see Deadpool anywhere. Had he been killed in the explosion? Where were the Avengers? Why weren’t they there, helping him? Peter found himself growing more and more frantic with every passing second, a serious need to know where he was arising within him.

Why weren’t the Avengers there? Why weren’t they saving him when he needed it? Peter was regretting joining this so-called team, feeling that he’d been betrayed by them. But he forced the thoughts away, trying to think of all the good that they’d done. All he needed to do was get back to the Helicarrier and try to figure all of this out. Then everything would be okay again and he wouldn’t have to freak out anymore. They’d find Deadpool and they’d go back to normal. Everything would go back to normal. With this war over, Peter knew that he and MJ could finally just go home after he figured everything out.

The amazing Spider-Man’s head was spinning viciously as he stood there. He felt dizzy and sick and his entire body was aching, writhing in pain. He knew that he’d hit that roof hard when he fell from the portal and he didn’t even know how long he’d been unconscious. Every inch of him writhed with pain with every breath and he quickly determined that he had fractured a few ribs in the fall. He forced the pain to the back of his mind, knowing that he needed to get off of that rooftop and back into Manhattan.

Suddenly, everything began to spin again. Peter’s stomach churned, anything that remained in his stomach wanting to come up. He fell to the ground, clutching his chest with one arm as he did. He could hardly stand and he knew that he wasn’t in good shape. He needed to get to a doctor or somebody. As the world spun around the amazing Spider-Man, he could hear things, things that’d taken place before he’d swung into that portal. He wasn’t sure why he was hearing them, but he couldn’t make them stop. He felt like he was going insane as he lay there on the ground, unable to stand, unable to break through his own thoughts.

“The device in his pocket! The one that’s over-stimulating his power! That could shut it off!”

“Why… Why isn’t it closing?”

“I… I don’t think I can close it. Someone has to be practically inside the portal to get it to close. It isn’t… It’s not powered by the Tesseract; it’s powered by this thing. Even if we manage to destroy this thing, it’d actually make it worse. You have to be in and hit the self-destruct button inside it.”

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now