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Thor sat on the steps in the royal dining room, a place where he tended to disappear to. He looked at his hand, the hand that had turned blue when the Giant had touched it. He felt sick remembering it. He’d thought for sure that he was the one child that his father hadn’t stolen. Loki had been taken from Jotunheim, but he had been certain that he was not adopted. How could he have been so certain…?

He buried his face in his hands, rubbing his forehead. Why would the honorable Odin lie so much? He had always looked up to his father, but seeing that he was a liar, he was not so sure. Odin the Allfather of Asgard, one of the greatest warriors to ever live, was a compulsive liar. Thor had known that he had lied to Loki, but Thor would have never thought that his father would lie to him like that…

Everything was befalling Thor at once, and it overwhelmed him, drowning him in problems. With the combination of the war waging in Jotunheim, the Odinsleep drawing near, and the Avengers… Thor felt as though he couldn’t handle it. He closed his eyes, hoping to escape, but the sight of his own hand turning the color of the Jotuns was imprinted in his mind, forcing him to relive it over and over again.

A cold, empty feeling washed over Thor. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck perk straight up, watching his hand turn blue, replaying it in his mind. He felt empty. Why had his father lied to him about it? He had lied to Loki, so why should he treat Thor any differently? But in Loki’s exile or whatever you may call it; Thor would have figured that Odin would then tell Thor. Why would he lie to Thor as well? Did he want the same thing to happen twice? Thor knew better than to think that, but he couldn’t help but wonder why.

Did his father have a strange obsession with stealing children from Jotunheim? It was strange that both Thor and Loki had come from Jotunheim and neither of them had been told. Thor let his mind wander toward the other things. Would he react differently than Loki? Who was to say that Thor would handle it better? He felt betrayed, and he felt as though a twinge of hatred tugged at his heart, but he swatted it away as though it were nothing. Thor wondered if it were possible that Loki and Thor really did share the same father, Laufey. Was it possible that they were real brothers? Thor decided that they weren’t. Laufey had abandoned Loki because he was small, too small for a Giant. But Thor was bigger than Loki and larger than some Giants even. He knew Odin would not have just taken Thor from Laufey without any real cause. He must have belonged to someone else, someone who had either died in battle or could not care for a child… Thor felt sickened again at the thought.

Anger swelled inside him, growing furiously the more he thought. Thor struggled to stay calm. He wondered if this was how Bruce Banner always felt. He clenched his fists, his anger seething. He thought about confronting his father for it, but decided against it, for the time being. He knew that his father was rarely alone, and he planned to drag him aside from whatever he would be doing. He decided to wait, trying to plan what he would say to his lying father. But until then, he would need a way to release his anger, knowing that it would consume him and cause him to lash out if he did not.

Forcing his eyes open, Thor bolted up off of his seat on the steps and stormed across the room. The table was set, ready for a great feast which Odin had prepared for Thor because of his victory in Jotunheim. Thor felt angered and only wanted to forget Jotunheim. It had been much less than a victory. It had involved leaving his brother and his teammate in Jotunheim, encountering the feared Enchantress, and nearly losing the lives of two of his team. And that was not even mentioning his own problem; the problem he refused to speak of, the only person knowing was Ororo, who had been watching when it happened.

Outraged, Thor flipped the table, food and all. He had not done anything like that in years, not since the day he went to Jotunheim and was banished for it. He watched as the food splattered over the floor, and he felt a bit better, like a bit of that anger had escaped and left him less outraged. Thor growled at his work, showing the table that he was stronger, only because the insanity of it all had finally caught up to him. Growling in triumph, Thor realized that he was being ridiculous and stood there, standing atop of splattered food. He rolled his eyes at himself and started back toward his seat on the steps, leaving a trail of food behind him.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя