Natasha Romanoff

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: ghivashel

Natasha hurried out of Bruce’s room, annoyed by the others for making her tell all about the classified details of Wasp and Black Panther. She didn’t entirely mind telling them, but they got on her nerves sometimes… She wanted to be alone. Something was bugging her. “Can you? Can you wipe out that much red?” the all-too-familiar voice echoed in her mind. She just wanted to be totally alone, that way she wouldn’t lash out on anyone. She hurried into Bruce’s lab, expecting to be alone, but Clint had followed her.

Natasha hoisted herself onto a table and buried her face in her hands, sighing in frustration. Not even Clint made her feel better. Clint propped himself on his elbows, leaning on the table beside her. “Tasha…” he whispered. Natasha just growled in response. She pushed back her fiery hair and leaned back on her hands, staring out the window into a room where workers sat at their computers, researching, looking for signs of Frost Giants. She saw about three guys in there playing Galaga. Annoyed and needing something to shoot at, she pulled up a window and shot at their computers, three perfect hits and three high-pitched squeals. “Nice shot. Almost as good as what I did earlier to one of them… Why so angry?” Clint asked.

“I’m not angry. Just annoyed.”

“By the Galaga guys?”

“No, not by them.”

“Then why are you annoyed?”

“I don’t know. I’m just kind of irritable… There are too many people.”

“You spend almost all your time here or out on the field, and there are a ton of people. I think you just get cranky around the Avengers.”

“Yeah. Well… I think it’s mostly Loki.”

“Yeah. I’m not a fan either, after what he did to me… But he did just save Bruce’s life.”

“I know… But I just can’t get that conversation we had that one time out of my head. It’s like… When I even see the guy, I can hear it all over again.”

“Don’t worry about it, Tasha. You know what he said wasn’t true.”

“That’s the problem, Clint. What he said, every word, it was all true.”

“Natasha, I don’t know what he said. But I know it had to be bad. But I swear Tasha, you’re a lot of things, but an evil person is not one of them.”

“You didn’t hear him. He knew everything. He knew about Sao Paulo and the hospital fire… He knew my past and was using it against me. My ledger is dripping red and I… I can’t fix it.”

“I… I told him that didn’t I?”

“You were under his spell, you couldn’t help it. It’s alright.”

“But what it comes down to is that I am ruining any amount of confidence you had.”

“Loki said those things, not you. Loki is the only one to blame.”

“I’m sorry. But you don’t have to believe it.”

“I can’t help but believe it… All of it is true.”

“Tasha. You are the best person in my life. I love you. No matter what people say… Don’t listen to them. Loki was just trying to get inside your head. It’s over now. Loki doesn’t mean that anymore. I think he’s becoming one of us… You don’t have to hate him or yourself anymore. The past is the past. Just let it go.”

“So, what? You like Loki now?”

“No. I’m just giving him a chance. He might have changed… I don’t know yet. I don’t exactly like that he’s here and I am still fuming at what he did to me… But I’m giving him a chance to change. Maybe you should too.”

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें