Clint Barton

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Clint slowly helped Natasha wrap a bandage around her wound. Blood was gushing from it, but she was strong and never let her pain show. Clint smiled at the thought. Natasha was practically invincible. Clint liked to think that, despite her tiny figure, she was just as strong as the Hulk. No matter what people said about her, she was strong and she was as much of an Avenger as Iron Man or Thor or Captain America or the Hulk. She survived stabs, explosions, shots, and she had no powers. He was proud of her and proud to call her his girlfriend.

Clint finished wrapping the bandage around Natasha and pinned it. He stood up straight and looked her in the eye. Her eyes showed that she wasn’t feeling well. That Frost Giant had stabbed her pretty hard, and she looked sick. The only doctor in the building was Bruce, and he wasn’t doing so well himself. Clint smiled, trying to reassure her that she was okay. He took a deep breath and looked at her. Something sparked inside of him. He looked at her and it was almost like in on of those cheesy movies, where there was a bright gold light around her and she looked like an angel. She was his angel, but she would be more like an angel of death. She was far from the perfect angel that anyone would imagine. She was tough, a diehard fighter, and that was what he loved about her.

“This will do until Banner wakes up. Then we’ll get him to check you out. You should be fine until then…” Clint told her, reassuring her that she was going to be fine.

“Thanks.” Natasha said, pulling her shirt back down over the bandage.

“No problem. How’d you even survive that? It’s pretty deep.”

“I’m an Avenger… I can survive anything.”

“True. Does it hurt?”

“No, not too bad. It’s sore, but I’m alright.”

“Good. You should go lie down.”

“I’m fine, Clint.”

Clint knew he wasn’t going to convince Natasha to do anything. He could hardly get her to let him bandage the stab wound. Clint gently patted the bandage, making sure it was secure. Clint sat down on the edge of Natasha’s bed, and she followed. The two sat in silence, not really sure what to say. “T’Challa should be here by tomorrow night. He and Ororo decided to help.” Natasha told Clint.

“Great… Wait, we’ll be on Jotunheim, right? Thor said we were going to attack them.” Clint answered.

“Crap… I’ll call him and tell him to get his butt up here before tomorrow morning.”

“Be nice.”

Natasha just rolled her eyes.

“So, I was thinking that we should go to Budapest next month, once this is all over.”

“Why would you want to go back there? We got chased by mall cops and I took one of your arrows to the knee!”

“Hey, that arrow to the knee was your own fault. And the mall cop thing was hilarious.”

“We were sent to kill an escaped gamma experiment gone wrong and he got away. Lucky for you, Coulson showed up and shot him down. And how was the arrow my fault?”

“You jumped in front of my target!”

“I was your target!”

“You were not…”

“You and I remember that week very differently.”

“Oh yeah. Definitely.”

Natasha fell back onto the bed, her hands resting gingerly over her wound. Clint lay back beside her and stared up at the ceiling. He gently took Natasha’s hand off of her stab wound and held it, not willing to ever let her go. “Don’t ever leave me. Please don’t let go.” Natasha whispered.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now