EPILOGUE: Steve Rogers

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“I have driven the same car since I was sixteen years old. I never had a single problem. But then this lug of crap falls into the ocean every other Thursday.” Maria Hill groaned, walking toward Steve. The Captain of America led the group of Avengers, minus Ororo and T’Challa, across the shore where the unharmed agents of S.H.I.E.L.D stood, watching what had been their only home burn.

Steve sighed, not in the mood for this. He wanted to get back to the Tower, back to their calm lives that they’d grown used to. Normally, this wouldn’t be any problem for the Captain, but he wasn’t in the mood for the Mad Thinker. He knew that he should’ve been killed when Pym had the chance. But now the Thinker was back and he was obviously ready for a showdown, judging by the size of that explosion. That was a dramatic first stand for the Thinker, and he wasn’t going down this time without a fight. Steve could sense it.

Steve had savored the peaceful months that had proceeded, but he had been finding himself a bit bored with it all. He was a soldier, a fighter. He wanted to put down the bad guys. And even though he and Darcy had enjoyed their months of peace together, especially as a married couple, he knew that they were both ready for battle again. Battle was the only time when Steve wasn’t haunted by memories. Memories of Peggy, longings for her, they still haunted him. Apart of his heart would always belong to her, and he still loved her. There were only two things in the world that stopped those memories, and those things were fighting and Darcy.

Just a couple of months after Steve proposed to Darcy, the two had gotten married. It had been a small wedding, nothing much, just a small ceremony with the Avengers. It had been perfect though. It was simple, traditional wedding, something that Steve had always dreamed of. Seeing Darcy walking down the aisle had been the last of his doubt about her, the last time he ever wondered if he was making the right decision. He knew that Darcy had been the right one.

She was the right partner.

Steve and Darcy had a good marriage, always had. They were far from perfect, of course. They still had problems, disagreements, times when they couldn’t agree. But it was a good marriage still. There were always going to be times when they couldn’t agree, like how they’d been arguing some about kids. Steve wanted them, but Darcy was afraid, paranoid. Steve had tried convincing her for awhile, but she still didn’t really want to. He hadn’t really given up though so, after awhile, she had agreed, but she didn’t want them yet. They’d agreed that, after their one year anniversary, they would think more about it. But until then, they weren’t going to talk about it anymore. But either way, they were perfect for each other, nothing ever going to be able to tear them apart. Darcy was still, and would always be, Steve’s right partner.

“What happened?” Steve inquired, approaching Fury.

“What do you think happened? It was Banner and the Thinker! Banner has this mutation, a new one. Explosions. She’s been doing it for awhile, but never big enough to do anything massive. Minor damage. But now… Obviously, things have changed. And now they’re gone.” Fury replied.

“Is everyone alright?”

“Define alright.”

Steve looked around. He looked out into the ocean and saw a few agents, bruised, bloodied, barely clinging to life. They were still swimming though, desperate to hold onto their lives. Steve knew immediately that he needed to save them, help them back to shore. As he looked he around, he found that hundreds of agents were being whisked away in ambulances. Many were hurt, burned, bleeding, bruised, very few left relatively unharmed.

“Are you guys alright? You, Hill, Coulson and his team…” Steve asked.

“Coulson’s team wasn’t here. They were on a mission. They’re safe. Coulson is only here because I had him come here. Everybody that you know and care about is fine. But others… Not as much.” Nick replied.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon