Bruce Banner

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Well the pants didn’t work as well as hoped. That was the first thought that entered his head once he woke up. Bruce woke up in a bed again, covered by nothing but a blanket. For once I get the feeling that I’m right where I belong, with all the other freaks of nature, right where I fit in… Then I had to hurt every last one of them.  Betty was once again by his side, just like she had been the last time. He turned to her, knowing he’d hurt someone this time. She saw that he was awake and smiled at him. “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” She teased, messing up his hair. He just rolled his eyes and smiled at her. He couldn’t help but smile.

She smiled back at him and everything just felt right. Bruce couldn’t help but think this was so simple. Just laying beside Betty was so simple, like that was how life was supposed to be. He felt like he was his old self again. He felt comfortable with her, and that was a feeling he didn’t feel a lot. He smiled. “Isn’t this simple?” he said to her.

“It’s more than simple… This is just where we’re supposed to be.” She answered.

They lay there for a few minutes. She played with his messy hair and he just stared at her. The pale sunlight poked its way through the window and the sunlight gorgeous brown eyes twinkle. She smiled at him and stared back into his eyes. This was simple, but not reality. They’d escaped reality in that little room and everything was perfect. But Bruce realized that he needed to figure out what had happened in reality while he had been the Hulk.

“Who’d I hurt?” he asked.

“No one!” she answered, obviously lying.


“You hurt Tony and Clint and Natasha and Steve… But they’re okay. You didn’t hurt them too bad. They’re superheroes. They’re fine.”

“Did I hurt you?”

“Just a little bit. You hit me once, but I was okay after that.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault.”

They just sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at each other. Her big brown eyes twinkled wildly and Bruce couldn’t help but love her. He closed his eyes, his mind still a bit sleep-drugged. He blinked once, twice. He could hardly wake up. He stretched out a little bit, but it didn’t do much good. He just sat up, making sure to drag the blanket up with him. Betty did the same and smiled at him. “Tired?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m exhausted.” He answered.

“I can’t see why! You’ve slept for hours. You blacked out at 2 a.m. and it’s 4 p.m. I can’t imagine why you’d be so tired.”

“I don’t know. I could really go for some coffee though.”

“I’ll get some…”

“No, wait. Can you text someone to bring something up? I really don’t want you to leave my side.”



She didn’t move. He could feel her heart racing inside her chest, and he wished that his could too. He secretly wished that he could let his heart race at the speed of light, but he couldn’t. If he let it reach 200 then he’d end up hurting someone. There were still days when he wished he could find a cure, but he knew there wasn’t one. Even if there was, he wouldn’t use it, because without the Hulk he was no longer an Avenger, and that was something he loved about himself, and he loved being apart of a team like that too much to give up his power.

Betty stared into Bruce’s eyes. He could swear that he felt sparks in the air between them. He couldn’t fight it anymore, even if he wanted to. He quickly leaned in and kissed her. She immediately kissed back and the two found themselves lost in each other’s embrace. Bruce let his heart race as fast as it could without it becoming too fast. He was pretty good at guessing how fast it was going, and in that moment it was teetering right around 190. It felt good to let his heart go as fast as it could without causing another attack. It felt even better to kiss the woman he was so madly in love with.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now