Peter Parker

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Peter slunk down into his chair next to an unconscious Harry Osborn. Peter had been sitting there for what seemed like ages, and though people came and went, Peter refused to move unless it was to either eat or go to the restroom, and even then he hurried back. Peter couldn’t help but feel like it was his fault that Harry was like this. He had barely been clinging to life when they first brought him back to the Helicarrier, but the doctors told him that he was now stable and he should wake up any time.

Peter heard the door to the infirmary open and then slam shut, letting in a pair of footsteps. He didn’t bother looking up, knowing that people came and went constantly. He just continued to stare at his comatose friend. He laid completely still, only his chest rising and falling when he breathed. He laid face-up, his arms down at his sides like a soldier. The scarred half of his face looked like always, frozen in this distorted expression, his eye still open, awkwardly sewn to his head. The other side of his face looked calm, peaceful. Peter just stared at him, willing him to wake up.

Peter’s mind was beginning to play tricks on him. Maybe it was from the lack of sleep, maybe it was just because he was so worried for his friend. But in the days that Harry had been lying unconscious, Peter could swear that Harry’s one open eye had… Changed. Peter had seen the useless eye turn from total black to total white and then back to normal several times. He couldn’t understand it. He thought a few times that Venom had still taken Harry hostage, holding him from the inside, but Peter decided to tell himself that it was impossible. He didn’t want to deal with that. If Harry was Venom, then it was going to be hard telling him once he woke up and it’d be even more difficult trying to deal with Venom if he ever showed his ugly face again.

Peter didn’t want to think of that possibility, but he knew he couldn’t ignore it. Peter decided that he couldn’t ignore the threat and the war that he needed to win. Harry’s reappearance couldn’t be merely coincidence. Harry’s miraculous and mysterious resurrection had to mean something in the war that the Avengers were fighting. It couldn’t just be a coincidence. Peter kept trying to think of how Venom could be alive after Peter had killed it. He thought of endless possibilities until his head began to ache. He wasn’t sure whether he was thinking too hard or the headache was simply because he’d hardly slept a wink in the past several days, only dozing off a couple of times in the uncomfortable chair that he’d hardly left, only when he had to go Avenger-Hunting with the others.

Peter prayed that his best friend would wake up after his second death. He rubbed his forehead, just staring, totally oblivious to what lie around him. Peter listened to everything, just listening and taking things in. There were several heart monitors in the room, monitoring several people, including Harry. The sound of footsteps echoed through the room. The door opened and shut every few minutes, letting someone in or out.

Suddenly Peter felt a light hand rest on his shoulder. He jumped a bit, looking away from Harry and up at whoever touched him. He saw a head of long, gorgeous red hair and two bright blue eyes staring back at him. She wore a red t-shirt with his signature black spider printed on the front, a light blue jacket covering it. She wore an old faded pair of jeans and a pair of old red converse, the black spider on the side of those to match her shirt. She smiled just a bit as she ran her fingers over his brown hair. She returned her hand to his shoulder and tugged at his blue button-up shirt, telling him to stand up. He complied and stood up from his chair to greet the lovely Mary Jane Watson.

Peter smiled, not saying anything. Mary Jane buttoned up the top of his shirt, covering up the Spiderman outfit underneath. He let her smooth down his messy hair that hadn’t been brushed in awhile. She made him look just a bit more presentable, since he was a complete wreck. She smiled at him, admiring her work. He just smiled back. “Hey, MJ.” Peter greeted quietly.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu