Clint Barton

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Clint took Natasha's hand as they hurried through the streets of Westchester. They were headed a few blocks away from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, where Magneto's device was to be found. In only a few moments, hundreds of mutants would have their powers restored and the dead would be brought back to life. Clint could only imagine the chaos that was going to create... And he ready for that.

The new recruits had stayed behind at the Helicarrier, though some wanted to come along. But they convinced them to stay. Clint, Natasha, Jan, Thor, Loki, and Bruce went together instead, since T'Challa had to take his team back because of Ororo. Natasha had wanted to get out of the Helicarrier as fast as she could because of the fire mishap they'd had earlier. He wanted to get out too. It had freaked him out, and he was absolutely terrified of the thought of a criminal being aboard the one place he called home.

Clint hurried behind Natasha as she led the way to the home of Magneto's machine. They had to ask him to join the Avengers, and Clint hoped desperately that he'd comply. He was one of the world's most notorious super criminals before. Who was to say that he wouldn't go back? He couldn't help but wonder. Just like he hadn't trusted Loki at the first, Clint couldn't trust Magneto either. But Clint knew that there was no stopping Magneto's machine now, not that he entirely wanted to. He wanted to meet the amazing Professor X. He knew that if anyone could help him control his newfound power as a Frost Giant human hybrid, it would be him.

Clint decided that he'd need the help. He especially needed to learn how to stop turning blue, because every time his emotions ran high, he'd take on his now-natural blue form. He hated it. Though his eyes didn't turn red anymore, his skin would still turn blue and it would often cause his surroundings to freeze over or he would make snow fall no matter where they were. It was getting difficult to control, and Loki wasn't much help. That never happened to Loki because he was a full Giant, but because of the hypercharged human cells, it caused the Jotun cells to sometimes go haywire.

Clint shook off the thoughts and hurried behind Natasha. "Who is this Magneto? I did not know that Midgardians were capable of bringing their dead back to life. I am the most powerful being of the nine realms now and even I have not unlocked the power to bring the dead to life, to bend time itself..." Thor muttered, confused.

"He can't bend time, he's a genius mutant. Don't question it, Thor. It'll just confuse you." Natasha answered.

"But how would he do such things? It's not possible, is it? I know that my father was able to bring my mother back from the dead, but it was only for a very short time. How could one bring back a man forever?" Loki questioned.

"These aren't normal people that he's bringing to life. They're mutants. They have different cells than we do. I don't know how Magneto plans to do this, but I believe he can do it. Just don't question it." Bruce answered.

The group continued walking in silence. Clint tried to think straight, but with everything that was happening, he found it absolutely impossible. Clint wondered if Magneto's device would even work. And where would Professor X and Cyclops end up anyways? The sort of just vanished when Phoenix killed them. They took a lucky guess and said they'd be back where they died. But would they remember anything? What would they be like after being dead for so long? Would they wind up like Steve, confused by every little thing that everyone else had grown so accustomed to? Clint doubted they'd be that confused. They'd only been dead a few years. But still. There were endless possibilities for the outcome of this.

The Avengers had a plan. Logan had dug up Jean's body and took her inside the school. They would keep her in a drug-induced coma if it did in fact work and they'd not let her wake up until Professor X could build the barriers in her mind so Phoenix couldn't escape again. They had Kurt and Billie positioned in the places where Scott and Charles had died. They could only assume that was where they'd wind up. There were no bodies, but Magneto swore that it would bring them back. Clint didn't entirely understand the science of it all, so he found it best not to question. Then Kurt and Billie would take those two back to the Helicarrier where they'd be examined. Then someone would get Jean after they woke up and Professor X would work his magic and they'd help win the war. It was as simple as that... Hopefully.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin