EPILOGUE: Jan Van Dyne

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Jan groaned as she was greeted by the early morning light as it streamed through the windows, waking her from a peaceful sleep. As if the noise of New York City weren’t bad enough, the sun was streaming through the window directly into her eyes. She groaned and rolled over, nuzzling up against her husband’s body. She curled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her, but she knew that she wasn’t getting back to sleep any time soon.

The wasp laid there, her eyes closed, not quite ready to get up and face the day yet. She knew that Hank was planning something big for that day for her birthday, and she didn’t know what. But until then, she just wanted to stay in that bed with her husband and do nothing, just for a little while longer. She knew that it was going to be a busy day, and she wanted to savor the peace, if only for a little while.

That day was her birthday, and she knew that Hank was going to make a big deal. He’d been acting a bit weird lately, and she knew it was because of her birthday. She wanted to know what he’d planned, what he’d been up to, but she didn’t care enough in that moment to get up. Whatever it was, she knew that it could wait a little while longer while she enjoyed her few moments of peace.

It had been two days since Bruce and Betty had gotten married, two days of everybody getting used to having them back. Everybody was glad that they were finally home, especially Tony and Pepper. Jan had missed them too, but Tony and Pepper were spending a lot of time with the happy couple and she wasn’t quite so sure why. She didn’t really care though. It didn’t entirely matter to her, since she and Stark weren’t always the best of friends anyways. They still bickered and picked and, though they were as close as siblings, they still messed with each other a lot. She was just curious.

Jan nuzzled deeper into Hank’s chest, listening to his soft breathing as he played with her hair. The two had been married for about 4 months and every day, every hour, every minute, every second was better than the last. Hank had been an ideal husband and she’d tried her best to be a good wife to him. He still worked in his scientific studies, of course, but he still took time out of the day to spend time with her. He’d take her out for lunch every Tuesday and Thursday, and they always ate dinner together no matter what. And he no longer worked through the night and the two of them usually did something for a few hours after he finished working. They were living an almost normal life and Jan loved it.

Hank’s studies had gotten him farther than ever in the past few months, too. In Tony Stark’s lab, he could advance so much further than he could when he had when he didn’t have ten bucks to his name. Now he advanced more and more quickly, getting further by the day, which amazed Jan. She was honestly really proud of her husband for getting so far.

The only thing that could’ve made it any better would’ve been a baby.

Jan had been praying for months for one, even though she knew that it defied all logic. She desperately wanted her own child, but she knew that Hank couldn’t give her them. She wasn’t angry with him and she didn’t regret marrying him for a moment, but it didn’t stop the fact that she wanted them. But she supposed that it didn’t matter at the moment. She couldn’t have them and she was just going to have to live with that. But it wasn’t like she didn’t have a family. She had the Avengers.

The Avengers were her family, her real family, and they always would be her family. She didn’t need her own kids to have a family. She would have Ororo’s 5 once they arrived. There were rumors floating around that Steve and Darcy were trying for one, though only those two could confirm that and so far no confirmations had been made. It had been obvious that Thor and Jane wanted kids once they got married and Jan could see Loki someday being a father. And then Clint and Natasha were going to start trying as soon as they were married, which couldn’t take too much longer. So there would be plenty of kids running around eventually. She didn’t need her own…

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