Betty Ross

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Guards slammed against Betty’s back, shoving her violently back to her and Bruce’s cell. Bruce stumbled alongside her, holding tightly to her hand, trying to keep her safe. Betty had been blinded for far too long, and she couldn’t stand it. If being locked up wasn’t bad enough, she couldn’t even look around her surroundings to find an escape. Blackness surrounded her, but she was able to see shadows, so she could make her way around well enough.

Betty heard a heavy door swing open and she felt the guard violently shove her into her cell. She stumbled and fell to the cold stone floor. It felt like some sort of dungeon instead of a typical prison cell, but it was only fitting because the two weren’t considered people, instead they were treated and considered monsters. Betty staggered to her feet unstably. She felt Bruce’s comforting arms wrap around her as she leaned back into his bare chest.

Betty felt Bruce being ripped away from her and she screamed his name. Another guard grabbed her by the arms and she flailed angrily, trying to get back to Bruce. They were trying to shove her back into her tiny holding cell that she’d been chained up in. She shouted Bruce’s name over and over, wanting to be in his arms again. He shouted for her in response, letting her know that he was still there. “Please! Just let us be together for a little while.” Betty heard Bruce plead.

“Whatever.” One of the guards growled as he threw Betty back to the floor. She closed her eyes as pain shot through her body. She landed on her wrist and it twisted around, and she was nearly certain that it was broken. She let out a cry of pain as she dropped to the floor, curling up into a ball, wanting no more of this cruel, senseless torture.

Betty felt Bruce’s comforting hand run across her back, consoling her as tears raced down her cheeks and dripped onto the floor. Pain rushed through the severed bone in her wrist, forcing her into another ragged sob. Bruce pulled her up gently from the stone-cold floor and tugged her into his hairy chest. She shook violently as she curled up in his arms.

“Oh stop your crying! We’ll be back to get you in half an hour for experimentation.” Betty heard one of the guards growl.

“What? NO!” Betty cried, shaking violently.

“Stop your whining, you sick monster! Just shut up.” The other growled.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now! Nobody talks to her like that!” The mild-mannered Dr. Banner shouted furiously.

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you?” One guard barked back.

“You can’t! You know you can’t! I tried myself!” Bruce barked back.

“Bruce…” Betty whispered, telling him not to go down that path again.

“What? The Incredible Hulk tried to kill himself? Interesting…” A guard cooed.

Bruce remained silent as the guards laughed at him. Betty listened to the footsteps as they echoed against the stone floor, shaking harder as the footsteps grew closer. The guard grabbed her love away from her, causing to fall again on her bad wrist as she let out a cry of agony. She screamed his name as she heard a loud slapping sound and she heard Bruce let out a grunt of pain. The guard was abusing him. She screamed and stumbled to her feet and, just capable of seeing the shadows, she grabbed at the guard and struggled to pry him away from Bruce.

Then, before she could comprehend it, there was a stinging pain in her right eye.

She’d been hit.

Betty staggered back and fell to her butt, slamming her head against the stone wall. Her arm throbbed mercilessly and another cry of agony forced its way up her throat. She pressed her head against the wall as lights flashed before her blinded eyes. She clamped her eyes shut as pain shot through her entire body, her head throbbing, her arm agonizing. Betty felt Bruce’s presence as the floor trembled slightly as he was thrown down next to her.

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