Natasha Romanoff

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As the fire spurted from Agent Romanoff’s hands, her hot skin pressed against Clint’s freezing blue skin. The two were using their powers together against the enemies, using it to their advantage in this war. Natasha’s skin burned brightly, much differently than before, burning with a bright reddish orange glow. Clint’s skin was blue with the same design that etched over the entirety of his skin, just the same way it usually did. She could feel his freezing skin in her burning skin, though it didn’t feel like it was burning to her. His skin hurt hers, but she couldn’t care the least.

Natasha shot the fire from her hands, sending waves of flames over the concrete of the rooftop. There were Frost Giants that were beginning to surround them, icing the concrete over and causing Natasha to be in a good deal of discomfort, but their ice was absolutely no match for her fire. Fire melted the ice and the Frost Giants were crumbling before her, making her feel powerful, making her feel alive with all of this. She smirked deviously and let the fire manifest inside of her hands, sparking viciously to life within her palms.

Pain rippled through her body, shooting from where place where she’d been stabbed earlier that same day. Or maybe it had been yesterday. Natasha wasn’t sure anymore. All of this had become sort of timeless. With the heavy-raining clouds, who could tell whether it was day or night? The rain was a bother as well, not only because it blocked her sense of time, but also because it was hurting her. The water seeped into her fiery skin and it cooled down the fire that simmered within her. It was painful, but she’d felt a lot worse…

Natasha looked down and found that there was a great deal of blood that was starting to seep through her suit, despite the heavy bandaging beneath it. She’d reopened her wound and she was playing with her chances of ever having children once again just being there. Natasha had wanted kids ever since things had started getting serious with Clint, a strange longing that had been growing within. She’d never really thought much about kids because she doubted that she would ever be able to settle down with someone and begin a family. But ever since Clint had walked into her life and she’d started having feelings for him, her views were beginning to change on the matter.

But could she handle a family? She was a spy, an agent of the most secretive organization known to mankind, and she was an Avenger. She had a thousand and one enemies that would kill to get their hands around her neck, and using her children would be the perfect way. She knew that they’d never be normal and, with the fact that Clint and Natasha were now hybrids of races that could hardly touch… How were they supposed to have kids? And with the fact that she’d been stabbed… Wasn’t it impossible?

But she knew that nothing was impossible. She knew that all too well.

Natasha closed her eyes before she got too deep into her own thoughts and she allowed the fire to seep past the rain and she let it erupt into its full potential. She had never done anything so risky, so dangerous, and she had no idea what the consequences would be, but she knew that she needed to do this. She stepped away from Clint, knowing that he needed to be away from her. She’d already hurt him enough for one day. Honestly, she had no idea how he had managed to keep fighting after what she had done to him earlier. But somehow her archer had managed to keep fighting.

She stepped away from him and she let her full power take hold of her and she let the fire that burned within seep through every pore in her body until she was nothing more than flame. She was a human flame. She felt alive, more empowered than ever. She leaped into the air and let the fire spurt toward the Frost Giants that were attacking her. They burned with ease, disintegrating at the very touch of her burning flame. She stood through the fire, yet she did not burn. She felt more than invincible in that very moment as she landed, retracting her flame.

Natasha turned to Clint and smiled at him as he shot at the Chitauri ships that were whizzing past. Had he been this impressive the first time? She’d not fought much with him during the Battle of New York. She’d been on the ground with Steve, not up top with Clint. She studied him over and, as he sensed her eyes on him, he shifted back into his normal form. She had noticed that he didn’t much like being blue in front of her, though she didn’t care if he were normal or if he were blue. She found him absolutely beautiful either way.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now