Hank Pym

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Hank’s feet thudded silently against the pavement as he dodged foreign feet and puddles of enemy blood. He looked up toward the sky, following Jan, rapidly changing in size as they went along. He fought hard, knowing that he was an Avenger, a protector of more than just his own life, his own things. He knew that he had an entire world to protect now.

The adrenaline pumped through him, his lungs desperate for air but Hank hardly noticed. He crushed the enemy underneath his feet. Pain shot through him as he shrunk and grew so much, his body not used to the drastic size change. But he didn’t care about the pain. He could hear the cheers of the bystanders outside of their battlefield. Those were the people who believed in the Avengers, believed in him. That was who he fought for.

Pain surged through him, hitting hard. He grinded his teeth, squashing another row of Elves. His muscles ached, burned. His head throbbed mercilessly. He closed his eyes and took a step as he pressed the button on his chest that allowed him to grow and shrink as he pleased. He was shrunk down, hidden and practically invisible. He doubled over, hands on his knees, panting like a dog. Shrinking and growing so quickly was hard work.

Hank could feel his muscles ripping, tearing angrily within him. They burned unmercifully, aching with every breath. He forced himself to stretch his limbs, but they felt as if they were on fire so he dropped them to his sides, and then returned them to his knees as he stood there, breathless. He fell to his knees, too weak to fight. He hadn’t grown and shrunk so fast in a long time, and even then it took lots of practice to be able to do that. He had to be forced to practice his shrinking and growing, since he rarely used his “power.” It was a rare occasion when he would, and he had never planned on joining the Avengers, but after the Frost Giants destroyed one of his labs, he decided to, completely unprepared.

Jan swooped down beside him, her wings fluttering wildly, keeping her off the bloody streets of New York. She looked down at him, confusion in her brown eyes. Hank looked up at her and felt his spirit lift just a bit, but not enough to return his strength back to him. He always felt his spirit lift just a little when she was around. He loved her, though he had a bit of trouble showing it, since he was the biggest nerd at his high school and never really dated anyone before Jan, with the exception of the girls who went on pity dates with him. He’d never had any practice talking to girls before Jan, and he had absolutely no idea how to express his love for her. He did the best he could, but he got too caught up in his work and forgot to tell her how much she meant to him a lot of the time.

“Hank, what are you doing? We have to fight!” Jan said frantically.

“Give me a second.” Hank panted breathlessly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine. I’m just a little tired, that’s all.”

Hank looked around, scanning the area. All he could see were feet of Dark Elves and Frost Giants and Jan fluttering beside him. He stood up slowly, carefully, needing a better look and knowing that he had to help in the fight. He found himself too weak, his insides tearing themselves up every time he shrunk and grew so rapidly. He couldn’t do that anymore. He needed a new form of fighting.

“Are you okay?” Jan asked.

“I’m fine. I just can’t shrink and grow so fast anymore. It’s shredding up my insides. I need to either stay big or stay small, but I can’t do both.” Hank answered.

“Stay small with me. If you can’t fight very much right now, I want you down here with me.”

Hank simply nodded. 

Jan buzzed behind him and quickly shoved her hands beneath his arms. She flew him upwards, away from the war. Hank didn’t bother fighting back, knowing that Jan’s strong will and stubborn attitude would never allow him to win in an argument against her. He knew that from personal experience, because if she couldn’t talk her way into winning an argument, she would blackmail her way into it, even against Hank. He let her sit him on top of Stark Tower, safe from the battle below.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now