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Thor leaned back against the wall of the room he’d just moved into. He was angry with the Frost Giants. That’s all he could think about. He slammed his fist against the wall. He slowly slid down the wall and sat down. He fumbled around with a coin that he’d found earlier. He studied it closely. It was a lot different than Asgardian money. The Midgardians thought that the Asgardians were a lot different than them. They were different in many ways, but the Midgardians believed that they had no society and only thought of the royalty. But they were wrong. Asgard was similar to Midgard in some ways. They had stores and money and those sorts. They didn’t have drugs and they didn’t do things that created war amongst themselves. The government on Asgard didn’t tax the people or keep important things from them. People there were generally good-hearted. They did not murder or steal. That was the difference between and Midgard and Asgard.

Thor sat and waited. He didn’t know what he was waiting on. He was waiting for something to happen, he guessed. He closed his eyes. He felt that there was no place of peace then. He couldn’t go to Asgard for peace, because his father and he seemed to be in a constant battle, Odin telling Thor that the throne was his and then instantly taking it back whenever a small fight sparked between two of Asgard’s citizens or something of that nature. Midgard was wreaking havoc with the Frost Giants once again threatening Earth. There was no place of peace or escape for him anymore…

Thor closed his eyes and replayed the last several years in his life. Despite the family wars and the multiple disputes with other realms and the wars with Loki, they were the best of his life. He’d finally made his father proud by changing his arrogant ways. He and Loki, despite their few major disputes, had become closer than ever. He’d fallen in love with Jane and became an Avenger. He was inching his way to the throne, and he knew his father would eventually fully give it to him. He had once tried to play matchmaker between Loki and Sif, and though he failed he still enjoyed doing it. He felt at peace recalling those memories.

He thought of his family. His mother still only thought of Loki as her son and was brokenhearted that Loki would live in the Asgardian prison until his father regained his trust. His father refused to trust Loki or even give him a chance, even though the roots of the problem led back to him for not telling Loki that he was a Frost Giant earlier. That seemed to be where the problem spawned from. Had Loki known, he may not have gone so mad with jealousy. Had he told Loki, Loki may have figured how much he was loved and he may have figured that he had the equal chance at the throne, though they all knew that he was the younger brother and Thor was the true heir to the throne… Simply put, the house of Odin was most likely the most dysfunctional family in all of the realms.

A quick rap on the door snapped Thor from his thoughts. “Come in.” he said. Jane opened the door and walked in, smiling. Thor stood up to greet her. “Hey Thor.” She said. He just smiled and walked to her. He took her hand and gently kissed it. She blushed like she almost always did. “Hello, Miss Foster.” He said.

“So… Tomorrow…” she started, her voice trailing.

“What about it?”

“Last night when you asked me to go to Asgard with you… Do you still want me to go?”

“Yes, of course! I want you to live with me on Asgard. The bifrost has been repaired so we may easily go back and forth…. Are you still willing to come?”

“Yeah, I am… But do you think… I could go with you to Jotunheim. I don’t want to be away from you again and I need to get used to going between Asgard and Earth and other realms…”

“You can come with me to Asgard. That is where we are going first. We must go there and then we must go to Jotunheim through the Bifrost. I will leave you with my father. Jotunheim is possibly the most dangerous realm of them all. You must stay. I cannot put your life in danger.”

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now