Tony Stark

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Tony Stark smiled at his girlfriend, Pepper Potts. She was smiling back, pushing back her red hair. He laughed at her and she laughed back. She looked so perfect, standing in the glow of the neon lights. He raised his fake gun and shot at her. She quickly raised hers in retaliation and shot back at him. Yep. As if they were children again, they were playing laser tag.

            Tony had just added a laser tag room into StarkTowers, the building he was ever so proud of. Tony Stark was a man with many talents. Simply put, he was a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. That was always how he responded when someone questioned what he was without the Iron Man suit. Yes, the Iron Man suit. Tony Stark, the somewhat arrogant, cocky, never-serious genius was Iron Man too. He was a sort of superhero, but he was not your typical superhero. He was Iron Man, and everybody knew.

            7 years earlier he’d been held captive. His own missal had blown up just a couple of feet from him, and now the only thing keeping him alive was an arc reactor that he’d built himself. It’d sustained his life for years, and that tiny arc reactor had gotten him in trouble more than a couple of times. People have tried to steal it for various reasons. People wanted to kill him, and that was the easiest way to do it. But other than the fact that he could be killed in a matter of minutes by simply pulling out the reactor, he was practically immortal, the reactor capable of keeping Tony’s heart going for 50 lifetimes.

            Tony laughed as he was playfully shot at and dramatically fell to the ground, clenching his vest. He laid on the ground laughing. Pepper quickly rushed to him, smiled, and shot him again. He closed his eyes, playing dead. Then he opened his eyes again and shot her. She clenched her own vest and fell down beside him. Both of them laughing, they looked into each other’s eyes. Pepper leaned in and kissed him quickly. He just smiled and kissed back.

            Tony pulled away for a moment, shot Pepper with his laser gun, and then kissed her again. Then she pulled away, shot him, and kissed him back. This cycle went on over and over until they couldn’t shoot anymore because their guns were no longer working. Then they just lay there, kissing. She laughed as they kissed, playfully pushing him away then crawling back.

            “Sir, Nick Fury is on the phone for you.” J.A.R.V.I.S announced.

            “Not taking now, J.A.R.V.I.S.” Tony said, pulling away from Pepper.

            “I’m afraid it’s urgent.”

            “Then tell him to leave a message urgently!”

            “I am afraid he will not listen.”

            Tony sat up and pulled Pepper up with him. He unlatched his vest and threw it to the ground. He straightened out the wrinkles in his t-shirt, just slightly touching the arc reactor in his chest. He helped Pepper pull off her vest and straightened her shirt out as well. He walked out of his new laser tag room and into the main room of StarkTowers. The elevator slid open as soon as they walked into the room, revealing a tall, black man with one brown eye and an eye patch covering where his other used to be. A long scar etched the area around the eye patch. No one really knew what happened, but there were lots of rumors about it. He wore a long dark coat that made him look menacing. But Nick Fury was nothing menacing, or at least not to anyone he knew. He was just a wise man who brought together the most unlikely, isolated, freakish people on Earth and turned them into something so much greater. He wasn’t menacing. He was a friend. But Tony didn’t always want to accept that.

            “Hi Nick.” Pepper said, walking across the room to greet him, dragging Tony behind her. He gave her a warm smile, and then looked back at Tony, giving him an almost annoyed glare, even though he’d said nothing.

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