Janet Van Dyne

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Janet Van Dyne stepped out onto a miraculous bridge. She’d never seen anything like it. Being the girlfriend of a renowned scientist, she had thought she had seen all the “magic” the world had to offer. She thought having the ability to shrink to the size of a wasp was incredible. She thought seeing a man grow from a normal height to 61 feet tall was incredible. She thought seeing a man summon lightning with a hammer was incredible. She thought that seeing a man transform into a raging beast was incredible. She thought all of this was incredible, but seeing what was in front of her made all of that seem like nothing significant.

Janet walked slowly out onto the bridge. She pushed her short, brown hair out of her eyes. Her big, brown eyes went wide as she stared into the city. Janet felt a big hand rest on her shoulder. She turned and saw Hank, her boyfriend. Hank Pym was her boyfriend, employer, and love of her life. A lot of her life involved him, and she didn’t mind one bit. She loved him, and she always had. The two were a perfect match, despite their differences.

Janet shrunk down once again. She tended to stay small more than she stayed he normal size. She saw the world as more magnificent that way, and magnificence was something she yearned for. Janet fluttered up and sat on her boyfriend’s shoulder, her tiny wings appearing as she shrunk down. Hank rarely left his typical size anymore. Jan could occasionally convince him to grow up to his huge size and then shrink to the size of an ant, just for practice, because if he didn’t, it would end up tearing up his insides. Jan shrunk down enough that she no longer needed the practice, but Hank rarely left his normal size.

Jan brushed her hair back out of her face as Hank walked her down the long rainbow bridge. She leaned back onto Hank’s neck, playing with his shaggy blonde hair. Hank shook his head a bit, shaking her off his hair. She knew that he hated when she messed with his messy hair. She ignored him and played with his hair some more. Hank got annoyed and raised one arm to his shoulder, where Jan sat. He gently pulled her off with two fingers and raised her in front of her face. “Hi.” She said cheerfully.

“Stop messing with my hair, Jan.” Hank said.

“You’re no fun.”

“Would you go back to your normal size?”



“Not happening, Hank. We’re on a mission.”

“We’re walking on a bridge.”

“We are on a mission and I am staying tiny. I don’t like to walk anyways.”

“Yeah, I know that you don’t like walking. How do you not weigh two hundred pounds? You never even walk.”

“I fly. That takes a little work. And besides, someone never gets any food and I go hungry for days at a time.”

“I’m a scientist Jan. I’m constantly working.”

“Well I’m not a scientist and we’re broke because you never sell any of your information.”

“We’re not broke. I have 10,000 dollars stored away, and we’re constantly on the move and we build our own places, so we don’t pay rent. We’re fine.”

“Well, why don’t you use that 10,000 and buy food?”

“Why are we talking about this?”

“I don’t know… I’m going to go talk to someone else.”

Jan jerked her hand away from Hank and flew to someone else. She fluttered through the flock of Avengers until she reached the famous Bruce Banner. She knew that Hank was a huge fan of his scientific work, and she was a huge fan of the way he lost control and turned into the Hulk. She stepped onto his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, I’m Jan. I’m a huge fan.” Jan said to him.

Driven Mad (Book 1 in the MAD Series)(An Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now