Character Profile

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*This story has been edited up to Chapter 9. It is under major reconstruction. If you want the rest of the story to make sense, I would advise to not read past Chapter 9. Thank you, and please enjoy.*

Disclaimer- I do not own anycharacters besides Kira Hiraki and any other future characters I may create. All the Bleach characters belong to Tite Kubo.


Character profile


Name: Kira Hiraki

Age: looks 17-18, real age unknown

Appearance: Kira has waist length black hair with side swept bangs, crimson red eyes, pale complexion and is about 5’5-5’6.

Personality: Flirty, funny, laid back, bit of a prankster, very trustworthy, loves her friends more than anything, easily angered, can be nice when she wants. Loves to annoy her friends.

Race: Vizard

Zanpakuto: Fierazenria

Zanpakuto spirit: A black panther with swirling red designs on it’s body.

Zanpakuto abilities: Kira can control anything that has to do with fire and can burn things with one touch.

Special Abilities: She can sense thoughts (not read them), and can make people feel emotions she wants them to.

History: Read to find out.

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