Reunion (Kylo Ren and Reader)

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"I'll go first," you told Finn. You were both standing in front heavy metal door in the middle of the First Order's command shuttle.

By General Organa's instruction, you and Finn had headed a team that infiltrated the ship, tasked with bringing back her son, and your friend, who had been lost years ago to the dark side.

You motioned for Finn to stay where he was, "wait for my call, guard the door."

He nodded.

You kicked open the door, clutching a light saber tightly in your hand. He had his back facing you.

"Ben," you whispered.

He turned swiftly and you let out a small gasp. He was fully cloaked and masked.

"Ben Solo is dead." He said to you sternly, his voice robotic under the mask he hid behind, "and soon, you will be too." He drew his light saber from his side.

"Ben take off your mask," you began, unsure of how he would react.

All of sudden you began to feel a tightness around your throat. You gasped, swallowing as much air as you could with your lungs constricted.

His hand was extended in your direction, and many moments passed before he released his grip.

"Who are you to call me by that name, and to command Kylo Ren himself?"

You gasped for air, "Ben, it's me. You– you don't recognise me, do you?" You sounded defeated.

Clearing your throat, you straightened yourself. You wouldn't show him any signs of weakness. You couldn't.

He moved suddenly, and you readied your saber. But he didn't strike you.

Instead, he placed his own light saber on the side of his robe and put two hands on his helmet, removing it slowly.

"Y/N?" You were taken aback as you heard his voice falter.

You walked towards him slowly, "Ben, your mother wants you to come home. We all do." You chanced your hand to move slowly onto his cheek. He looked at you sadly, moving his hand and placing it on top of yours.

Suddenly his face changed, it became harsher and he pushed your hand away. "You shouldn't have come here, Y/N."

"Ben, I–"

"Don't call me that."

"That's your name."

"No, it's not." He said, emphasising the last word with a shout.

You jumped slightly.

He sighed, "get out before I hurt you."

He told you.

You looked at him sadly, "Ben, please. I'm your friend."

He drew his light saber and you jumped once more as he began to slash the consoles in the room, shouting atrocities as he did so.

"I'm not your friend anymore, Y/N.
That boy died along with all hopes of returning to the light."

As his temper lessened you spoke, "friend or not, I won't fight you," you laid down your weapon.

"But I will. You need to leave," You could see the frustration in his eyes as he fought with himself to keep from hurting you.

You opened your mouth to speak once more, but he beat you to it. "I don't want to hurt you, Y/N. But if you don't go now, I'll have no choice."

The door behind you suddenly creaked open, you turned to see Finn enter slowly.

His face bore a look of confusion and you mirrored his expression as you turned back to face Ben.

But he was gone.
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