Chapter 11

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The next morning

Hayes' POV

This morning I got to school extra early so that I could talk to Brad about how he skipped yesterday. I found him at his locker and he looked calm.

Me- " Dude where were you yesterday at practice?"

Brad- " I was sick after school."

Me- "Yeah lovesick".

Brad- "What?"

Me- "We found out you skipped practice to be with Bella."

Brad- "Ok and your point is?"

Me- "dude he homecoming game is on Friday".

Brad- "I skipped practice one time and besides I'm fine for the game".

Me- "oh so now your little girlfriend is more important then your friends and team".

Brad- "she is my friend and the team is important".

Me- " Why does she matter so much and it's not like she likes you 100%.

Brad- "if she's going out with me, she obviously does".

Me- "If you ask me , you were her second choice".

Brad- "ok then who's her first."

Me- "I am, I was, and I'll always be".

Brad- "she doesn't like you anymore, you cheated on her and you guys broke up over a year ago".

Me- "ha you wish". I pushed him a little.

Brad- "ha I know". He pushed me back

Me- how come we kissed right before I left on tour and she said she chose you because you were here and I wasn't.

After that we pushed each other back and forth and then a group of people surrounded us. While we were still pushing Daniel tried to stop us.

Daniel- "guys don't fight".

After we kept on pushing I saw Bella in he crowd and she looked pissed. She was with Shelby, Ariana, Dante, and Jacob and hey all looked hella mad. Eventually a teacher noticed and stopped us and she brought us somewhere.

Bella's POV

I was with Shelby, Dante, Ariana, and Jacob talking until where heard some random kid scream FIGHT.

We all walked over and there was already a crowd so we couldn't see who was fighting.

Eventually Shelby saw and said "Uh Bella your gonna be mad when I tell you who's fighting. "Just tell me", I said.

"It's your boyfriend and your ex boyfriend". "Huh", I said and looked over someone and I saw the boys fighting.

"They are idiots", Dante said.

They eventually were stopped by a teacher and sent down to the office.

"They're gonna be suspended", Jacob said.

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