Chapter 65

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I was in the crowd when he made the winning touch down of the championship game and as soon as the clock ran out everyone started screaming and jumping around.

I could see him being carried by his teammates as he took his football helmet off. He looked over at me and his teammates put him down right where I was standing.

"That was for you", he said.

I looked up and blushed at him and he grabbed my waist and kissed me.

"Good game", I said as I walked away.

"Damn she played you", I could hear his football teammates say.

I laughed to myself and I continued to keep walking.

He ran up to me and he sounded like he was exhausted.

"Me, you tonight, pizza", he said.

"Maybe", I said as I walked away.

After he got changed out of his football stuff we walked to a nearby pizza place and we got dinner.

After dinner we went back to his house and we hung out in his room for awhile.

"You're amazing", he said.

"That's sweet".

"One day I know I'm gonna love you".

"Me too".

He looked in my eyes and kissed me once and we pulled away.

This was us, this is what we were before.

End of dream

I woke up and I had really thought I would wake up in his room and he'd kiss me goodnight but it wasn't like I thought.

I looked around the hotel room and I saw that he had taken his stuff from last night.

This can't be real, I thought to myself. I got up and looked over the beachview balcony and I thought "I really fucked  up".

I called him and his phone automatically went to voice mail which was telling me that he was avoiding me.

I packed up my stuff and left the hotel within an hour. I dragged my bag to the curb and I decided to take matters into my own hands and I took the bus.

When I got on the bus it was smelly and packed with people trying to go to different places. I sat down and placed my bag on top of my legs and I felt stressed. An old lady sat next to me and she looked over and smiled at me.

"Hello", she said


"Why are you looking so sad?".

"My boyfriend and I got into a fight last night and I'm a little worked up about it".

"I'm sorry, it happens all the time with me and my husband".

"Yeah but I hate it".

"My husband and I have been together for 50 years".

"Wow you guys must be pretty strong".

"Yes we are and a foundation for a good relationship is trust".

"Yeah I'm having troubles with trust".


"My boyfriend has cheated on me before and he used to be a player".

"Well people can change".

"I used to believe that until I met him".

"What's this fight about in the first place?".

"I think we rushed our relationship but he doesn't think so".

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