Chapter 60

36 2 0

2 days later

Bella's pov

When I woke up I had 2 missed calls from Cameron so I called him back. "Why did you call me?", I asked. "I wanted to let you know that I left for a meeting so it's just you and Hayes at the house". "I wish you were here". "I'll be there soon". "Like how long?". "Like maybe 12 am". "That's 16 hours from now, that's not soon". "Too bad, I gotta go". "But Cam...", he hung up on me before I could finish. I decided to go downstairs to get breakfast but when I got down there Hayes was there. I almost decided to go back upstairs until he caught me before I got a chance to run back up. "Don't go, I'm leaving", he said as he got up. "Why is your little girlfriend on her way?". "She's my friend one, and two you're my girlfriend". "Yeah we'll see about that". "Are you breaking up with me?". "Nope, I never said that". "You're implying it". "No I'm not". "Whatever Bella, stop trying to manipulate me". "I'm not". "Whatever". I rolled my eyes at him and walked away and I decided to go outside. I put my feet in the pool and I was relaxing until Luna came up to me. "Hey", she said. "Hi", I said in the nicest tone possible. "So you and Hayes are dating?". "Yeah but we're in a fight at the moment". "That's great news". "Why?". "Because a big fight leads to a break up". "Woah who said that we're breaking up?". "I did". "Yeah I don't think you know anything about it anything". "Look, I have Hayes wrapped around my finger and you're not gonna ruin this for me, ok?". "Whatever have your fun I guess". "I will". "Hayes never mentioned me to you". "Yeah because he knew that you'd be jealous of me". "Why would I be jealous of you?". "Because I'm hot, and I'm stealing your boyfriend right in front of you". "Go ahead, take him since I'm a slut". "Good so we both agree that you're a slut". "I didn't say I was a slut, he did". "Wow so me and him are on the same page". "I guess so". "I can't wait until me and him live in a big mansion and have a sports car". "What does that have to do with him?". "Well first off he's hot, he's rich, and he's famous". "I can agree on the hot part but, Hayes is not rich". "He's famous so of course he's rich". "That's so funny, if he was rich we wouldn't always be eating fast food". "Trust me he's rich but he doesn't wanna spend his money on you". "I don't care if he's rich or poor, I just care for his presence". "Me too". "Yeah you aren't a very good liar". "Whatever, he's gonna be dating me by the end of the week". "Suit yourself". "I will", she said as she got up and walked into the house. I officially hate that girl with a passion.

Hayes' pov

I found myself staring at Bella out the window again and I can't help myself. Bella's so beautiful and I can't stand seeing her so pissed at me. I saw her splashing her feet in the water until I saw Luna come up to her. Luna was pretty but Bella was beautiful. I saw Luna sit beside her and they talked until Luna got up and came in. I couldn't here them but Bella looked pretty pissed off so she's probably mad that I'm still hanging out with Luna but I don't care cuz she can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with. I heard Luna come in and she yelled my name. "Oh hey", I said. "Hi", she said and hugged me really tight and I tried to pull her off. "So what are we gonna do today?". "I was thinking that we could just hang out here". "Why?". "I'm still a little jet lagged". "Oh then that's cool with me". "We could watch a football game or something". "Yeah I love football especially since you play it". "Thanks I guess". "I heard that you got a full ride to play for Yale". "Yeah it's gonna be good". "I'm super happy for you". "Thank you for being happy for me". I could feel her looking into my eyes and I looked back into hers but it didn't feel right. I looked into hers until I heard a door shut. "Sorry if I'm interrupting something", Bella said. "It's ok", I said. "No it's not", Luna whispered to me. "I'll just be going", Bella said. "K bye", Luna said. "Wait no, Bella you can stay here and hang out with us", I said. "No she can't", Luna said. "It's okay, I have things to do", she said and I could here her voice crack a little.

Bella's pov

As I walked in I saw Luna and Hayes gazing into eachothers eyes. I felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces but I had to act like I was fine with it. When Hayes asked me to hang out with them I started to feel sick and I got a lump in my throat. I made up an excuse to leave them. My head kept on replaying what I had just witnessed and I feel sick to my stomach because this vacation was to celebrate our anniversary and now I'm here watching him fall in love with another girl. We only have 2 days left here and I don't want to do this anymore. I checked my phone and saw that I had 20 missed messages from Shelby and Ariana and I decided to leave them on read because I was too upset to talk to anyone. I decided that it was best for me to take a nap because I was under a lot of stress.

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