Chapter 16

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Hannah at the top

I opened my locker and a paper flew out. It said "most popular in Davidson day 2016". I decided to look at it for a second.

1. Mia Miller
2. Hayes Grier
3. Abby Mitchell
4. Hallie George
5. Daniel Skye
6. Hannah justice
7.Brandon Besson
8.Cameron Jacobs
9.Josh underwood
10.Ariana Thomas
11.Dante hall
12. Jacob Smith
13.Callie Flynn
14.Shelby summers
15.Connor Newman
16.Brad Johnson
17. Tyler hood
18. Skylar bat
19. Gabe sanders
20. Bella Dallas

The list went on and on but apperantly whoever made this thinks I'm popular. I looked at the list one more time and then threw it out. As I was walking towards my class Mia came up to me.

"Bella can we talk?"

"What so you can make fun of me?"

"No but I need your help with something".


"So you know how Hayes is dating that girl Hannah".


"She's bad news."


"She's a slut who throws herself at guys".

"How do you know she seems nice".

" you know how I dated a guy named Jake".


"He dumped me for her because she wanted to use him and now I want her to pay".

"What do I have to do with this?"

" I know that you still like Hayes".

"No I don't I said lying".

"I see the way you look at him and I see the way he looks at you trust me".

"I don't".

"Whatever you say but please help".

"Fine but no hurting her".

"Well duh but anyways I'm having a party tonight and it's not a kiddie party so".

"Ok I'll be there".

Starting over (Hayes Grier fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora