Chapter 34

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Saturday night

I was getting ready to go over to Hayes' when he texted me.

Hayes❤️- we're having a pj party

Me- why😂

Hayes- cuz we're watching movies and I want you to be comfortable😏

Me- ok, see you in two minutes

I walked three houses down and his parents weren't going to be home until Monday and neither were mine, so I would be lonely.

I knocked on the door really lightly and he let me in.

"Hey babe, he said".


He pecked my lips softly and let me in.

When I walked in it smelled like butter and pizza.

"I got us some dinner, and dessert's on its way, he said.

"You didn't have to do all of this".

"But I wanted to do it for my girl".

When he said "my girl" I felt chills down my arms and it felt great.

"Are you cold?, he asked".


"Let me run upstairs to get us some blankets".

He ran up the stairs and brought back blankets.

"Where did you order dessert from?, I asked".

"It's a surprise".

"I don't like surprises".

"I know".

Just as we were ready to start the movie Annabelle the door bell rang.

"It looks like someones here, he said and got up".

"I'll be right back, I said while walking to the bathroom.

Hayes' pov

I went to go open the door and I saw Nicole.

"Nicole, why are you here?".

"I told you that it was me and you tonight".

"And I told you that I don't like you that way".

"Grier stop playing so hard to get".

"You should leave".

"Nah, she said while walking in.

She sat on the couch and put her stuff on the  table.

She sat across from me and she grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, but I didn't kiss back.

"Why aren't you kissing me back?

"Because I don't like you, I like another girl.

"I'm done, she got up and slammed the door.

I turned around to see Bella starring at her slippers.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that".

She just hugged me and didn't say a word.

Bella's pov

I came back from the bathroom to see Nicole kissing Hayes but he didn't kiss her back. He had told her no but she did it anyway.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that, he said.

I pulled him into a tight hug

"Thanks for sticking with me".

"Thanks for putting up with my shit".

"It's ok".

We started the movie and we ate our cheese pizza really slowly. After the pizza we had our popcorn and we fed it to each other. He got back up and went to his fridge and came back with chocolate covered strawberries.

"This is so cute, I said".

"I know you love them".

He grabbed one and fed it to me and then took a bite.

"Did you make these?".

"Hell no".

He fed them to me one by one and I devoured them.

After the movie had ended we sat on the couch and he got up in front of me and I didn't know why. The next minute I know I'm being tickled and I'm dying of laughter. He sat back on the couch and he started tickling me again and I layed my back on the couch and he was over me. He pecked my lips and then I pecked his and then his lips hooked on to mine and he started kissing me really slowly and then he started to peck my lips again. Eventually we sat back up and he played with my hair and he attempted to braid it.

We decided to go upstairs and hang out in his room for awhile. I was looking around at his stuff and I saw a picture of me in the corner.

"Lol why do you have this?".

"Cuz you look cute in it".

"No I don't ew".

"Well I like it".

I checked my phone and it read 11:45pm.

"I should go, I said".

"No stay".


"I'm gonna be lonely and so are you".

"I know but I'm tired".

He grabbed me bridal style and he layed me on his bed.

"Sweet dreams, he said".

He got into his bed and he put his arms around my waist and it felt good.

Next morning

I woke up and it was 7:00am. I didn't see Hayes by my side so I kinda freaked out. I got out of bed and he slept on the floor and he was sleeping like a baby. I left him there sleeping and I walked down to his living room and I turned on the tv. I watched spongebob because that was the only thing on at 7.

15 minutes later Hayes came down and he look tired.

"Good morning, he said and pecked my lips.


He sat down with me and we watched the show. After it ended I left.

Starting over (Hayes Grier fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora