Chapter 17

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I went over Mia's house early and her parents were out of town for the weekend and I just told my parents I was sleeping over Shelby's. It was 10:30 and he party wasn't starting until 11. I was sitting on Mia's couch when I saw her carry up a cooler. I was thirsty so I wanted to grab a water bottle and I looked into the cooler and all I found was beer and wine coolers.

"Mia what is this".

"It's called a drink and you should have one".

"But we're 15".

"It's a high school party and loosen up Dallas it's not a big deal".

I decided to sit back on the couch and I ordered 20 boxes of pizza. As time went on I started to feel uncomfortable being here. It was 11 and people started arriving. I was still on the couch waiting for my friends to come. Eventually they came.

"Hey guys".

"Hey Bella so what do you wanna do? Ariana asked.


When I was talking I saw her go up to Josh and they walked away. I sat back on the couch until I saw Hayes and Hannah walk in. She was wearing a crop top with high wasted shorts in the middle of November. Some guy came up to them and handed them drinks and then hey walked away. As I watched them the same guy came up to me and offered me one and I took it. It tasted bitter but I kept in drinking it. I decided to walk around and I saw Ariana and Josh and Shelby and Daniel making out in the corner. Most people were already drunk and I didn't know what to do. After I finished my first drink I decided to get a 2nd one and I sat on the floor. As soon as I sat down a bunch of people crowded around me and I immediately got up. I was walking around her house and a lot of people were in the pool and around the house. I looked around the house again and I saw Hayes and Hannah walk into a closet. My heart immediately broke into a million pieces and I decided to get my third drink. While I was sipping my drink I joined a game of spin the bottle. I sat in the circle and I noticed I was with all seniors and they were drunk but I didn't care because I felt better with them then seeing Hayes and Hannah. I hate Hannah because she thinks she so cool and she has beach blonde hair and she wears a ton of makeup. Hannah is the biggest slut in our grade and I'm afraid for Hayes. After 5 minutes they walked out of the closet and I could tell that they were drunk. I saw them coming our way and they decided to watch us. One of the seniors spun the bottle and it landed on two random people and they made out. Some other person spun it and it landed on me and a boy named Troy. Before I kissed him I looked at Hayes and he looked at me and then I kissed him hard. I kissed him until we started to make out .

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